- Janet Huffor, Stubby’s Dog Wash – “We have had GREAT response from our ads. Better than any advertising we have done before!”
- Crystal Wright, Crystal’s In-Home Training – “I have had the best success with advertising in the Our Community News for my business. 95% of my new clients are coming from this local paper, and I couldn’t be more pleased. If you are thinking of advertising in the Monument area, I recommend you advertise with this paper.”
- Mike Smith, Woodsmith Custom Creations – “OCN is the only paper that works for me. I’ve tried other newspapers, one that comes out daily and another that comes out weekly. Compared to the results I get from advertising in the OCN the other papers are flops. I get a fairly priced ad in my targeted area with calls referencing my ad every month. It can’t be beat!”
- Jennifer Cunningham, Gallery 132 – “The OCN is the only print publication where I’ve seen consistent results in engagement for my business.”
- Randi and Dale Sehestedt, Woodmoor Handyman and Snow Plowing – “OCN is the only paper we advertise in and it consistently brings us plenty of good local customers. Great paper and great people to work with.”
- Joan Powers, Powers Pet Porters – “Your ad is a great value and I get calls nearly every month from it.”
- Valorie Havercamp, Owner/Designer, Purple Mountain Jewelry – “I want you to know that you are truly appreciated…as is all of the great OCN staff! Thanks to all for what you do for the community!”
- Melissa Riesling, Santa Fe Trail Jewelry – “Advertising with the OCN has been terrific! I have so many people tell me ‘I saw your ad!’ The OCN is a very affordable way to promote your business in the community.”
- Kerri Bohler, The Villa and B&E Filling Station Restaurant – “Thanks for all you have done for us. Our ad with OCN was the best thing we ever did for advertising. It outshines all the rest.”
- Mary Sue Hafey, Fringe Benefits Custom Interiors – “Since I starting advertising with OCN three years ago, it has helped brand my company while consistently increasing my exposure and sales!”
- Gehu and Jenny Gonzalez, Wash ‘n’ Roll – “…We are thrilled to be entering the new window cleaning season, and it has been a great experience to advertise with you! We feel happy to support OCN for how it enriches our community!”
- Elba D’Asaro, Spa Medica – “OCN ads work!”
- Cathy Thompson, Johan Hair Studio. – “OCN is my paper of choice for advertising. The ads John has helped me design have provided a constant stream of new clients. My ads have paid for themselves many times over! Thanks John!”
- Scott Sanders, Sanders Consulting – “I’ve tried advertising with other papers that cost three times as much and never get nearly the response I do from my OCN ad. Even my long-standing customers tell me ‘We saw your ad in OCN!'”
- Lois Wilde, L&L Field Mowing – “The boys were amazed at how quickly they received calls last year after their ad went into the May issue. The jobs they got from the OCN kept them busy all summer.”
- Donna Mallon, Donna’s Dolphins swim school – “This is the best advertising money I’ve spent! OCN is the best paper in town and readers look forward to every issue. I have seen a big response to my new ad in this paper. I do not need to advertise anywhere else as my other advertising is word of mouth! Thank you OCN for your hard work to make this paper stand out from the rest in our community!”
- Karissa Rytting, Tadpole Preschool – “Thanks to my ad in OCN, my preschool is now full for next fall!”
- Yukie Stauffer, Luna Hair Studio and Spa – “We had great response from our ad. I really appreciate it. It is amazing to see how many people came to us with our ad from OCN and many of our clients mentioned our ad.”
- Sarah Groh, Voice and Piano Lessons – “Your paper has been the best press I have ever had. Thanks to the OCN ads my plate is full and I don’t think I could take on any more clients right now.”
- Annie Matchett, House for Sale – “Thanks to the ad I ran in OCN, I sold my house in Woodmoor in one month. It worked great!”
- Kathie Kaufer, Help Wanted for Family Reunion – “The ad yielded excellent results. Thanks!”
- Mike Reaster, Guitar Lessons – “Ads in OCN work great for me. I tried other local papers and got no response. Thanks to my ads in OCN, I can work from home and make a decent living. All my work comes from my ads in OCN.”
- Meg Nash, Six Rocks Media – “We had a great response from our ad in OCN.”
- Lauren Bursell, The Dog House – “I generated a lot of business with my OCN ad, it paid for itself with the first call I received!”
- Susan Walsh, The Walsh Company – “We advertised in three Tri-Lakes newspapers this year. Over 60% of those new clients obtained from these three sources were from OCN. Thanks!”
- Karen Adams, Santa Fe Trail Jewelry – “Ads in OCN really work. I know that because my customers tell me they saw my ad in OCN.”
- Monika Marky, Toys 4 Fun – “I advertised in many local papers. The only one that got results was OCN.”
- Chris Barto-Hallmark, Housekeeping – “In one month, my ‘help wanted’ ad drew three or four phone calls per day. The response to my housekeeping ad brought in enough business to keep the new hires busy. I started with three clients. Thanks to my ads in OCN, I now have 90 clients and 9 people working for me!”
- Tommie Plank, Covered Treasures Bookstore – “We get more coupons returned from OCN than from any other paper.”
- Karen Evans, Northern Lights Dance Club – “We got great response to our dance class ad in OCN.”
- Tarik Albert, Velocity Wireless Internet – “We got 20 phone calls from the very first insert we ran in 3,000 copies of OCN.
- Sarah Heckathorn, Animal Magnetism – “I can always tell when OCN comes out. My phone just rings off the hook.”