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Controversial Amphitheatre opened Aug. 11

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Palmer Lake Dollar General Community Meeting, Aug. 16 – Ehrhardt family addresses community concerns
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans The Erhardt family held a community meeting on Aug. 16 in the Palmer Lake Town Hall to discuss the sale, announced by builder Kurt Ehrhardt at an earlier meeting of the Palmer Lake Board of Trustees (PLBOT), of the undeveloped lot north of the Tri-Lakes Arts Center for the…
Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Aug. 21 – Board action criticized; fire chief contract terminated; second investigation initiated
By Natalie Barszcz At the Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District (BFFRPD) meeting on Aug. 21, the board received criticism from attendees and pleas for fairness during public comments, and it held an executive session to receive advice from legal counsel Linda Glesne of Cockrel Ela Glesne Greher & Ruhland, P.C. (CEGR) Law relating to…
Monument Fire District, Aug. 28 – District opposes ballot initiatives 50 and 108; station 3 design revised
By Natalie Barszcz At the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District dba Monument Fire District (MFD) meeting on Aug. 28, the board received a presentation on the updated design for the new Station 2 from OZ Architecture, and approved Resolution 2024-11, opposing ballot initiatives 50 and 108. The board also received updates on the Station 3…
Palmer Lake Board of Trustees, Aug. 8 and 22 – Asbestos abatement contract awarded; advisory committee formed
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans At its board meetings in August, the Palmer Lake Board of Trustees (PLBOT) approved a contract to remove asbestos from seven of the buildings at the Elephant Rock Property and formed a new committee to focus on developing a financial plan. The board discussed engaging a third-party mediator to…
Monument Town Council, Aug. 5 and 19 – Council charts future with key budget, development, and management decisions
By Chris Jeub The Monument Town Council met twice in August. Discussions centered on the proposed 2025 budget, focusing on revenue projections and critical infrastructure projects. The council also passed an election ordinance to streamline the upcoming town election and approved the final plat for the Monument Lake development. The council endorsed technology upgrades for…
Monument Planning Commission, Aug. 14 – Proposed Ziggi’s project examined
By Janet Sellers At the Aug. 14 meeting of the Monument Planning Commission (MPC), the commissioners considered a proposed Ziggi’s Coffee restaurant, discussed land development, and expressed concern about potential impacts of development on nearby homes and businesses. It also discussed a joint meeting with the Town Council concerning the scope of the Comprehensive Plan…
Continue Reading Monument Planning Commission, Aug. 14 – Proposed Ziggi’s project examined
Monument Academy School Board, Aug. 8, 16, and 29 – Board sets non-legal name change policy
By Jackie Burhans The Monument Academy (MA) board held one regular meeting and two special meetings in August. At its regular meeting on Aug. 8, the board discussed non-legal name changes, reviewed a proposed library policy, and accepted a board resignation. At its online special meeting on Aug. 16, the board met to discuss its…
Lewis-Palmer D38 Board of Education, Aug. 19 – Recognitions, revised Monument Academy contract, Human Resources report
By Harriet Halbig Above: At the Aug. 19 D38 Board of Education meeting, President Tiffiney Upchurch celebrated Raleigh “Butch” Eversole, retired Palmer Ridge High School band director, for receiving the Colorado Bandmasters Association’s 2024 Hall of Fame award. This award is given to just one Colorado band director each year. Eversole spoke of the people…
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Aug. 12 – Board considers supplemental water for Waterside subdivision
By James Howald In August, the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board met to review a request for supplemental water service from the developers of the Waterside subdivision. The board rescheduled its September meeting and heard operational reports. The meeting ended with an executive session, after which a vote was taken. Developer requests supplemental…
Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan District 3, Aug. 14 – Debt authorization ballot initiative approved
By Natalie Barszcz The Pinon Pines Metropolitan District (PPMD) 3 board held a special meeting on Aug. 14 to approve a debt authorization ballot initiative for the November election. Attending via teleconference were District Manager Ann Nichols, Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD), Tom Blunk, CP Real Estate Capital, representing Forest Lakes LLC and Forest Lakes…
NDS ribbon cutting, Aug. 14
By Natalie Barszcz Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) Manager James McGrady welcomed about 40 invitees and said the Northern Delivery System (NDS) will forever change how TMD and Forest Lake Metropolitan District (FLMD) provide water to almost 3,000 single-family homes along with multifamily and commercial customers. TMD will no longer be dependent on nonrenewable ground water…
Donala Water and Sanitation District, Aug. 15 – Board debates waiving term limits
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans At its August meeting, the Donala Water and Sanitation District (DWSD) board discussed waiving its current policy which allows directors to serve a maximum of two four-year terms. Removing term limits would need approval from the district’s voters. The board heard operational reports. Directors Bill George and Ed Miller…
Continue Reading Donala Water and Sanitation District, Aug. 15 – Board debates waiving term limits
El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Aug. 15 – Board amends contract with Merrick and Co.
By James Howald In August, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA, or the Loop) board met to amend its contract with Merrick and Co., the company which provides the Loop with project planning and workflow management. John Kuosman, a water practice leader with Merrick and Co. who serves as the Loop’s liaison…
Monument Sanitation District, Aug. 21 – Board approves four-day work week
By Jackie Burhans and James Howald In August, the Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board met to discuss moving to a four-day work week and to hear an operational report from District Manager Mark Parker. Four-day work week recommended Parker told the board the MSD office typically receives only one or two calls on Friday, and…
Continue Reading Monument Sanitation District, Aug. 21 – Board approves four-day work week
Triview Metropolitan District, Aug. 22 – 2023 budget amended; 2023 audit presented; district opposes initiatives 50 and 108
By Natalie Barszcz At the Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) meeting on Aug. 22, the board held public hearings to amend the 2023 budget and accepted the 2023 audit draft presented by Haynie and Co. for the district’s audited financial statements. The board approved multiple resolutions relating to the 2023 budget amendment and the audit, and…
El Paso County Planning Commission, Aug. 1 and 15 – Extension to Cathedral Pines development recommended for approval
By Helen Walklett During August, the El Paso County Planning Commission recommended for approval a request which would extend the Cathedral Pines subdivision, adding eight residential lots in a gated community to be known as The Estates at Cathedral Pines. They also heard requests that would see two Black Forest properties each divided into two…
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Aug 28 – Change to prairie dog elimination causes delay
By Jackie Burhans At its regular board meeting on Aug. 28, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board heard from residents about the delay in prairie dog elimination and heard director reports. President Brian Bush, Treasurer Pete Giusti, and Forestry Director Cindy Thrush were absent. Prairie dog delay Two residents spoke during the public comment portion…
August Weather Wrap
By Bill Kappel Drier than normal conditions continued during August. After an above-normal winter and early spring, we have been much drier through the summer season. This is the expected pattern as we have transitioned from a El Niño pattern last fall into a La Niña pattern this spring and summer. Temperatures were also warmer…
Letters to Our Community – Back to school
The time of year has finally come for many students to return to school and get back to their studying. With the return of school, stress levels can rise for many students as they are uncertain of what the new school year will hold. These concerns are important to address with your child and will…
Between the Covers at Covered Treasures Bookstore – Celebrating women authors
By the staff at Covered Treasures “If there’s a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”—Toni Morrison Dive into these novels by local and international women authors. Some are debut novels that make us look forward to more to come. Killer Chardonnay (A Colorado Wine…
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September Library Events – Book club, Medicare information, LEGO program
By Harriet Halbig Monumental Bookworms, an evening book club at the Monument Library, will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The September selection is West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. Monumental Bookworms is sponsored by the Tri-Lakes Friends of the Library. Come to the library from 1 to 2 p.m. on…
Continue Reading September Library Events – Book club, Medicare information, LEGO program
High Altitude Nature and Gardening (HANG) – Cut and come again crops to plant in September
By Janet Sellers Kale will rise again. For years I did not eat kale because I didn’t know anything about it, but after I tried it both as young plant leaves and full mature leaves, I decided it was one of my favorite vegetables ever, not to mention it has amazing health benefits. Packed with…
Art Matters – Real local art made for real people
By Janet Sellers Our Art Hop in Monument and the cultural Chautauqua in Palmer Lake this summer welcomed happy visitors from nearby and across the globe. These have become favorite local summer festivals, introducing local art and artists to an ever-widening public. Art welcomes all ages and people. It’s a cultural driving force for community…
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Snapshots of Our Community
Youth Fire Camp, May 30-June 1 Above: High school students attending the second annual “Youth Camp” receive instruction at Monument Fire District’s Station 1 training room. Eleven high school students attended the camp May 30-June 1 to discover more about the type of work firefighters and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers carry out. Students were…
Our Community Notices
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the information number for that event. Please notify us if your event listing needs to be updated. Sep. is Veterans suicide…
Our Community Calendar
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the info number for that event. Please contact with changes and additions. GOVERNMENTAL BODIES Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines…
Monument Town Council, July 31 – Monument Town Manager Mike Foreman dismissed
By Chris Jeub This report, posted on Aug. 4, covers the special Monument Town Council meeting held July 31, after our August issue had gone to press. The Town of Monument held a special Town Council meeting on July 31. The council conducted three executive sessions: one to determine positions relative to negotiations, another…
Continue Reading Monument Town Council, July 31 – Monument Town Manager Mike Foreman dismissed