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Wildfire mitigation near Lake of the Rockies, Feb. 3

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TLCA sells Palmer Lake building
By David Futey The sounds of music and display of art will no longer be respectively heard and seen in the building that has housed the Tri-Lakes Center for the Arts (TLCA) on Highway 105 in Palmer Lake since 1999. The TLCA Board of Directors decided to sell the property after the Certificate of Occupancy…
Lewis-Palmer D38 Board of Education, Feb. 18 – Board recognizes achievements, hears about Arts Education and Career and Innovation Center
By Harriet Halbig The Lewis-Palmer D 38 Board of Education recognized a number of students and staff members at its Feb. 18 meeting. Reports on the Career and Innovation Center and from the Arts Education Task Force were also received. Student representatives Palmer Ridge High School students Aiden Miller and Paige Ehresman attended the meeting…
Monument Academy School Board, Feb. 13 – Board expresses interest in Grace Best building
By Jackie Burhans At the Monument Academy (MA) board meeting on Feb. 13, the board agreed to draft a letter of intent to purchase the Grace Best Education Center building. It heard an update on its Homeschool Enrichment Program, learned about a proposed aerospace program, and approved new modular buildings. Intent to purchase Grace Best…
Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Feb. 11 – Selection of new superintendent, treatment of Grace Best Elementary School, budget process discussed
By Harriet Halbig The Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee (PCAC) discussed the process for selecting a new superintendent, actions on the disposition of Grace Best Elementary School, and the budget process during its Feb. 11 meeting. Superintendent search In her report to the committee, Board of Education liaison Dr. Patti Shank reported the…
Monument Town Council, Feb. 3 and 18 – Discussions on code enforcement, PPRBD, Jackson Creek, and Silver Key Senior Services
By Chris Jeub The Monument Town Council convened on Feb. 3 and 18 to discuss infrastructure updates, municipal code revisions, and strategic planning. Presentations covered regional development trends and a major roadway project, while council deliberations centered on ordinances, public concerns, and strategic priorities. Code Enforcement Overview Monument Police Chief Patrick Regan led a detailed…
Monument Planning Commission, Feb. 12 – Commission reduces development density for key projects; Dairy Queen and Subway approvals recommended with landscaping condition
By Janet Sellers On Feb. 12, the Monument Planning Commission rescheduled the review the construction of a retaining wall and storm sewer bypass of the Triview Promontory Point Water Tank Project on Higby Road. The wall, outside the project’s property line, raises concerns about property use and coordination. The board debated its authority to approve…
Palmer Lake Board of Trustees, Feb. 11 and 13 – Board holds workshop on water issues
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans The Palmer Lake Board of Trustees (PLBOT) held a workshop to discuss the town’s water infrastructure on Feb. 11 and a regular board meeting on Feb. 13. A second board meeting is scheduled for Feb. 27, after this issue of OCN goes to press. That board meeting will be…
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 10 – Pipeline maintenance contract awarded
By James Howald The Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board awarded an annual construction contract for pipeline maintenance and voted to authorize the closing of the purchase of three lots from Lake Woodmoor Development LLC. The board heard operational reports. The meeting ended with an executive session. Inliner Solutions gets contract District Engineer Cydney…
Triview Metropolitan District, Feb. 11 – Northern Monument Creek Interceptor pipeline project IGA approved
By Natalie Barszcz The Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) board held a special meeting on Feb. 11 to approve an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) and Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) for construction cost sharing for the Northern Monument Creek Interceptor (NMCI) pipeline project. The board held an executive session to discuss negotiations…
Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan Districts 2 and 3, Feb. 17 – Northern Monument Creek Interceptor pipeline project IGA approved
By Natalie Barszcz At the Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) special meeting on Feb. 17, the board approved an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) and Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) for construction cost sharing associated with the Northern Monument Creek Interceptor (NMCI) pipeline project. Attending via teleconference were FLMD Manager Ann Nichols, Tom…
Monument Sanitation District, Feb. 19: District manager clarifies upcoming election
By Jackie Burhans and James Howald At its February meeting, the Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board heard an operational report from District Manager Mark Parker that included details about the upcoming election which will fill two seats on the MSD board. It also heard updates on repairs needed at the district’s headquarters. Two board seats…
Continue Reading Monument Sanitation District, Feb. 19: District manager clarifies upcoming election
Donala Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 20 – Voters remove term limits
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans At its February meeting, the Donala Water and Sanitation District’s (DWSD) board heard the results of a special election held earlier in the month and a cost-of-service analysis. General Manager Jeff Hodge and Superintendent of Water Operations Ronny Wright delivered their monthly operational reports. The board rescheduled its March…
Continue Reading Donala Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 20 – Voters remove term limits
El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Feb. 20 – Interim workflow manager joins Loop team
By James Howald In February, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA, or the Loop) board voted on an amendment to its agreement with Merrick and Co. that names Mark Valentine as interim workflow manager. It updated its founding document to make it easier for board members to hold discussions among themselves. The…
Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District – Board meeting coverage ends
By Natalie Barszcz Our Community News will no longer provide coverage of the Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District (BFFRPD) Board of Directors meetings. ********** Meetings are open to the public in person or via Zoom and are usually held on the third Wednesday every month at Station 1, 11445 Teachout Road, Colorado Springs. For joining…
Continue Reading Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District – Board meeting coverage ends
Monument Fire District, Feb. 26 – Board meeting held after publication
By Natalie Barszcz The Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District dba: Monument Fire District scheduled its Board of Directors meeting on Feb. 26 after this issue of Our Community News had gone to press. News from that meeting will be included in the April 5 issue of Our Community News. ********** Meetings are usually held on…
Continue Reading Monument Fire District, Feb. 26 – Board meeting held after publication
El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, Feb. 11 – $4 million in federal funds approved for North Gate Blvd./Struthers Road stormwater project
By Helen Walklett At its Feb. 11 meeting, the El Paso Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate $4 million to the Road and Bridge 2025 budget for the North Gate Boulevard/Struthers Road Drainage and Permanent Water Quality Pond Project. This will provide stormwater improvements within the multi-jurisdictional area…
El Paso County Planning Commission, Feb. 20 – Approval recommended for three lots at Black Forest property
By Helen Walklett In February, the El Paso Planning Commission heard a request to create three single-family residential lots on a Black Forest property to be known as Misfits Crew Estates. Misfits Crew Estates At their Feb. 20 meeting, the commissioners voted unanimously to approve a final plat request to create a minor subdivision of…
Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations, Feb. 19 – NEPCO—Helping shape county land development code
By Dave Betzler Talk to just about any Tri-Lakes or Monument resident today, and you’ll hear comments like “we’re losing that small town feel,” “there’s way too much growth,” “things are out of control.” The Tri-Lakes area, like the big city neighbor to the south, is rapidly growing. A 2024 national survey identified the Colorado…
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Jan. 27 and 29 – Annual meeting and reorganization
By Jackie Burhans The Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board met on Jan. 27 for its annual meeting to elect new board members, review 2024 accomplishments, state 2025 goals, and recognize good neighbors. The board met on Jan. 29 to certify the election, reorganize its positions, and approve operational procedures. The regular February meeting was held…
Letters to Our Community – Grace Best demolition
D38 is using stagecraft to justify destroying a politically inconvenient school building. After years of complaining about Grace’s maintenance and repair costs, they are now using a fire marshal inspection that the building supposedly failed to leave the impression that “the fire department condemned the building.” Their descriptions of the building’s actual status are suspiciously…
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Letters to Our Community – D38 chaos
The D38 Board of Education took the unusual action to “accept” Dr. Datteri’s resignation after about six months on the job and post out a confusing severance package which includes a large cash payment that varies from $224,000 to about $84,000 depending on if more staffing changes occur or more resignations come in. This chaos…
Between the Covers at Covered Treasures Bookstore – March mystery madness
By the staff at Covered Treasures “If I had a bookstore, I would make all the mystery novels hard to find.”—Demetri Martin Check out the following titles for an engaging mystery. Head Cases By John McMahon (Minotaur Books) $28 FBI Agent Gardner Camden is an analytical genius with an affinity for puzzles. Gardner and his…
Continue Reading Between the Covers at Covered Treasures Bookstore – March mystery madness
March Library Events – Adult Reading Program continues; special programs; jigsaw puzzle swap
By Harriet Halbig The 2025 Winter Adult Reading Program continues through March 31. Participants who read 30 minutes per day or participate in specified district programs for 30 days will receive the annual program mug and a coupon for a dessert from Crumbl. Upon registering, participants receive a program tote bag while supplies last. To…
High Altitude Nature and Gardening (HANG) – Wild outdoors: pine needle bread, gardening in March
By Janet Sellers March is the first month we can, maybe, plant some things outdoors, but only with special care and covering. I have used pine needle mulch with success to protect plants. Indoors, we can start seeds (tomatoes and other favorites) and even harvest crops from pots. Easy indoor food crops include radishes, lettuces,…
Art Matters – Amateur: art just for the love of it
By Janet Sellers “Every artist was first an amateur.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson Amateur is a word from the late 18th century, from French, from Italian amatore, from Latin amator “lover,” from amare “to love.” A person that does something for the love of it is an amateur. What a wonderful and happy moniker! In art, an…
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Snapshots of Our Community
Lake of the Rockies fire mitigation Above and Below: As detailed in the photo caption on the front page, the Lake of the Rockies community fire mitigation project was necessary because three acres of dense stands of scrub oak and ponderosa pines behind the community and south of the Monument Lake dam were considered a…
Our Community Notices
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the information number for that event. Please notify us if your event listing needs to be updated. Do not remove trail…
Our Community Calendar
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the info number for that event. Please contact with changes and additions. GOVERNMENTAL BODIES Academy Water and Sanitation District board…