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Hazel Miller at TLCA, Dec. 16

energetic musical evening to the near capacity audience at the Tri-Lakes Center
for the Arts (TLCA). Miller, a 2023 inductee into the Colorado Music Hall of
Fame, encouraged the audience, “If we play anything you want to dance to, get
yourself up.” Numerous audience members took her up on that suggestion
throughout the evening as Miller and the band weaved holiday, rhythm and blues,
and other genres during their lengthy one set performance. The set song list
included Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Let the Good Times
Roll, Keb’ Mo’s She Just Wants to Dance, Please Come Home for
Christmas, Stevie Wonder’s Signed, Sealed, Delivered, John Mayer’s Stitched
Up and an Aretha Franklin medley of Chain of Fools/Respect/Freedom.
Photo by David Futey.
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Lewis-Palmer District 38 Board of Education, Dec. 5 and 11 – Board installs members, discusses four-day week and fall surveys, and announces departure of superintendent
By Harriet Halbig Following certification of November election results, the Lewis-Palmer D38 Board of Education held a special meeting to administer oaths of office and elect officers as required by state statute. Newly elected members of the board are Dr. Patti Shank and Todd Brown. Continuing members are Kris Norris, Ron Schwarz, and Tiffiney Upchurch.…
Palmer Lake Board of Trustees, Nov. 29, Dec. 14 and 21 – Town attorney steps back; 2024 budget adopted
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans The Palmer Lake Board of Trustees (PLBOT) held a special meeting and an executive session on Dec. 21 to address reports in the media that Town Attorney Matt Krob was facing sexual assault, third-degree assault, and child abuse charges from an arrest in 2022. At its regular meeting on…
El Paso County Planning Commission, Dec. 7 – Access plan for Hwy 83 addresses safety
By Helen Walklett At the Dec. 7 El Paso County Planning Commission meeting, the commissioners received a presentation of the proposed Access Control Plan (ACP) for the stretch of Highway 83 from its junction with Powers Boulevard to County Line Road, a length of almost 10 miles. The county’s Department of Public Works, the Colorado…
Monument Academy School Board, Dec. 14 – Board hears about midyear budget, enrollment/retention, fundraising plans
By Jackie Burhans The Monument Academy (MA) School Board met on Dec. 14 and went directly into executive session to discuss the purchase of real property and for legal advice on matters regarding the parental rights policy. No action was taken afterward. Treasurer Joe Buczkowski noted that the governance committee had received many community comments…
Monument Town Council, Dec. 6 – Town Council debates sales tax options, Loop Water Authority, Maverik gas station
By Chris Jeub The Monument Town Council (MTC) meeting in December covered topics such as potential self-collection of sales tax, Loop Water Authority Project participation, and budget resolutions. The meeting underscored practical decision-making for the town’s financial and developmental future. Sales tax management options unveiled During the presentation on sales tax future state options by…
Donald Wescott Fire Protection District, Nov. 27 – Merger completion expected by November; 2024 budget approved without mill levy certification
By Natalie Barszcz Correction In the November edition, the cost for the Station 4 air duct cleaning completed by Steamatic was $3,243. OCN regrets the error. ********** At the Donald Wescott Fire Protection District (DWFPD) special meeting on Nov. 27, the board heard about the next steps to complete the merger with Tri-Lakes Monument Fire…
Monument Fire District, Dec. 6 – Concern over mill levy reduction request; property inclusion petitions accepted
By Natalie Barszcz Correction The December edition of OCN should have stated Firefighter Wyatt Benoit left the district on Nov. 26 and joined CSFD. As stated in the October chief’s report, Lt. Chris Keough resigned from the district in October. OCN regrets the error. ********** At the Monument Fire District (MFD) meeting on Dec. 6,…
Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Dec. 28 – Exclusion process progressing; 2024 budget approved
By Janet Sellers At the Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District (BFFRPD) meeting on Dec. 28, the board approved the exclusion process for 952 properties, approved a revised 2024 budget, and four probationary firefighters were sworn into the district, with families pinning on the badges. The district also announced a new volunteer, search-and-rescue dog Koda.…
Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines 1, 2, and 3, Dec. 4 and 13 – District participates in Northern Delivery System; rates increase for 2024; budgets approved
By Natalie Barszcz At the Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) and Pinon Pines Metropolitan District (PPMD) 2 and 3 meeting on Dec. 4, the board approved participation in the Northern Delivery System (NDS), approved the 2024 budgets and mill levies subject to receiving the Jan. 3 revised property tax assessment, and approved rate increases and…
Donala Water and Sanitation District, Dec. 7 – Water and sewer rates to increase in 2024
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans At its December meeting, the Donala Water and Sanitation District (DWSD) board held a public hearing and took a vote on a resolution setting new water and sewer rates that will take effect in 2024. The board briefly reviewed its proposed budget for 2024. It also heard financial and…
El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Dec. 12 – Board focuses on budgets
By James Howald At its November meeting, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA) board determined its budget for 2023 did not need to be amended and concluded its work on its budget for 2024 with a public hearing. It voted to adopt the 2024 budget as proposed and to appropriate funds. The…
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Triview Metropolitan District, Dec. 13 – 2024 budget public hearing presented; rate increases discussed
By Natalie Barszcz At the Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) meeting on Dec. 13, the board held a public hearing for the 2024 budget, deferring its approval until after the district property tax assessments are received on Jan. 3, discussed future rate increases, and approved a participation agreement for Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) to participate…
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Dec. 12 – Board approves rate increases and budget
By James Howald At its December meeting, the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board concluded public hearings on rate increases and on its proposed budget for 2024. Both hearings were opened at its November meeting. The hearings were followed by votes on the rates and the budget. The board renewed the management contract between…
Monument Sanitation District, Dec. 20 – Board sets bonuses and salary increases
By Jackie Burhans and James Howald At its December meeting, the Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board decided on bonuses and salary increases for its staff. It also renewed letters of engagement with the district’s engineering, accounting, and auditing companies and scheduled a workshop to review its duties and responsibilities. Bonuses and salary increases Board President…
Continue Reading Monument Sanitation District, Dec. 20 – Board sets bonuses and salary increases
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Dec. 13 – Board changes fencing standards, parking limits, election process
By Jackie Burhans At its December meeting, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board discussed modifications to fencing, parking, and elections. It also discussed the Christmas lights contest, got updates on past items, and heard board reports. Fencing standards modified The board considered a modification to the fencing standards in its Project Design Standards Manual (PDSM),…
December Weather Wrap
By Bill Kappel The El Niño pattern was in full effect in December, with temperatures and precipitation above normal around the Palmer Divide. During El Niño patterns, the storm track over the southern U.S. becomes stronger and more active. This often brings a series of storms through California and the southwestern U.S. and along the…
Letters to Our Community – Bell ringers help the needy
It has been my honor to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army (SA) at Safeway in Monument to greet the wonderful, generous Tri-Lakes community. There were smiles and stories shared perhaps because of my patter as I welcomed folks with “Young lady (under 80) you look terrific today; I thought the sun was…
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Letters to Our Community – D38 school board elections
It’s a shame that Todd Brown ran unopposed to the D38 school board. I say that because of my personal interactions with Todd. I was on a tour of Lewis-Palmer Middle School a few years ago with Todd. He was disinterested in education and learning about kids and how they learn. As soon as the…
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Letters to Our Community – Appalled at MA’s gender transition policy
Once again, I am appalled and disgusted by Monument Academy’s new gender transition policy! Not only is it discriminatory in nature, it blatantly states it’s going against state and federal law. Another portion states the administration can notify the community, these students are minors, what gives you the right to disclose anything about them? You…
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Between the Covers at Covered Treasures Bookstore – Books that are a great way to start the new year
By the staff at Covered Treasures “And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”—Rainer Marie Rilke Here are some books that will help you navigate 2024. Skinnytaste Simple: Easy, Healthy Recipes with 7 Ingredients or Fewer: A Cookbook By Gina Homolka (Clarkson Potter Publishers) $35 Skinnytaste Simple has recipes…
January Library Events – 2024 Adult Reading Program announced; Toddler Time resumes
By Harriet Halbig The 2024 Pikes Peak Library District Adult Reading Program will begin on Feb. 1 and last until March 31. More information will be in the next issue of OCN. Monument Library will begin offering Toddler Time again in January. Sessions will be at 9:30 and 10 on Wednesday mornings, followed by Stay…
Continue Reading January Library Events – 2024 Adult Reading Program announced; Toddler Time resumes
Palmer Lake Historical Society, Dec. 17 – 90th Annual Yule Log Hunt
By Marlene Brown As part of Christmas activities, the Town of Palmer Lake, with the Palmer Lake Historical Society (PLHS) helping with the ceremonies, held the 90th Annual Yule Log Hunt on Dec. 17 at the Palmer Lake Town Hall. The event is known to be the longest-running yule log ceremony in the United States.…
Continue Reading Palmer Lake Historical Society, Dec. 17 – 90th Annual Yule Log Hunt
High Altitude Nature and Gardening (HANG) – The wonderful gifts of the pine tree
By Janet Sellers We live in a high desert pine forest clime. Our soil and environment have been optimized for millions of years for the native plants that include our pine trees. Besides lumber, the pine forests offer much to us that we may not know, but the Native Americans who lived here for thousands…
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Art Matters – Why people should live with art
By Janet Sellers An artist may or may not show their work publicly. Fortunately, most artists will show and sell their creations. It is an act of sharing, and of course a strategy for attracting attention to one’s creative prowess. Living with art gets you beyond everyday activity. “It’s a matter of pure enjoyment, but…
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Snapshots of Our Community
Correction In the December issue of OCN, it was stated that Jeanette Breton founded Bearbotics. “Coach” Breton is head coach of Bearbotics, FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Head Coach, and founder of Monumental Impact for Technology, Engineering & Entrepreneurship (MITEE). See OCN regrets the error. TLWC Grant process opens Jan. 15 Above: In a photo…
Our Community Notices
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the information number for that event. Please notify us if your event listing needs to be updated. Voyager Parkway Near Spectrum…
Our Community Calendar
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the info number for that event. Please contact with changes and additions. GOVERNMENTAL BODIES Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines…