An estimated 500 cubic yards of finely ground asphalt millings from the surface of public roads are piled up at the Colorado Pumpkin Patch LLC property on 40 acres of residential-zoned land next to Highway 105 west of Highway 83. These asphalt granules contain cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and likely heavy metals as well as accumulated tire and vehicle brake wear residue and engine exhaust artifacts from years of road use. The asphalt paving industry recycles almost all asphalt millings into new hot rolled asphalt which seals in the contaminants. Unbound (loose) asphalt millings have an incredibly high total surface area through which rain and snow melt percolates, leaching contaminants into the aquifer below. The Pumpkin Patch is surrounded by residences which obtain drinking water from their private wells.

El Paso County stipulated these asphalt millings are to be spread over acres of virgin pastureland on which hundreds of Pumpkin Patch client vehicles park as well as over one mile of the Patch’s interior dirt roads. This spreading of the asphalt millings, which the county specifies must be done by April 15, 2024, will only accelerate the leaching of contaminants which are ground down to dust size particles by vehicle traffic.
Enlightened jurisdictions strictly prohibit the use of loose asphalt millings as a roadway surface due to its recognized hazards to human health and the environment. Without a paved top surface, its small particles will leach contaminants as well as migrate through the actions of water, wind, and physical displacement. The El Paso County Environmental Health office, in its apparent environmental ignorance, incredibly responded to my complaints in this matter by saying, “No disturbance of the land is taking place.”
Dave Ellis
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