- Packing for Mars for Kids
- Packing for Mars for Kids
- The Sky Is Not the Limit
- Totality! An Eclipse Guide in Rhyme & Science
- The Moon Tonight: Our Moon’s Journey Around Earth
- Sun Moon Earth: The History of Solar Eclipses from Omens of Doom to Einstein and Exoplanets
- The Last Stargazers; The Enduring Story of Astronomy’s Vanishing Explorers
- The Astronauts Guide to Leaving the Planet: Everything You Need to Know from Training to Re-Entry
By the staff at Covered Treasures
“Earth is a very small stage in the vast cosmic arena.”—Carl Sagan
In celebration of the upcoming solar eclipse in October, here is a list of books that provide information on planets, planetary travel, stars, eclipses, and much more.
Packing for Mars for Kids
By Mary Roach (Norton Company) $16.95

This lighthearted book asks the type of questions that children would ask in a comprehensive guide for the strange, gross, and awe-inspiring realm of space travel and life without gravity. From flying on NASA’s weightless wonder and eating a sloppy joe from a tube to learning how to use shuttle toilets, this book is chock-full of thorough research and firsthand experiences.
Packing for Mars for Kids
By Mary Roach (Norton Young Readers) $9.95
This book explores the strange universe of space travel and life without gravity. Mary Roach gives readers a closeup of the challenges of training for living in space and the reality of living on the Space Shuttle.
The Sky Is Not the Limit
By Jeremie Decalf (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers) $18.99
A poetic odyssey through space with the groundbreaking Voyager 2 probe past Earth into deep space and beyond. Voyager 2 has viewed Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune and continued past the boundaries of our solar system. This lyrical, atmospheric book introduces young readers to the pioneering NASA spacecraft that has spent over 45 years observing and exploring our galaxy.
Totality! An Eclipse Guide in Rhyme & Science
By Jeffrey Bennett (Big Kid Science) $19.99
This book features a unique combination of rhyme and science, suitable for a wide range of ages. The engaging rhyme, with a couplet on each page, has been constructed to serve as a mnemonic device for underlying science, which is further explained through beautiful illustrations and “Big Kid Box” sidebars. This book concludes with a glossary, suggested activities, an eclipse science summary, features that will add value for parents and teachers learning along with their kids or students. Printed books come with two pairs of eclipse viewing glasses, which provide a great way to view the sun at any time, especially during a solar eclipse.
The Moon Tonight: Our Moon’s Journey Around Earth
By Jung Chang-hoon (Blue Dot Kids Press) $18.99
Through the eyes of this father-daughter duo, this book explores the science behind the moon’s phases and the 29½-day lunar cycle. There are easy-to-follow scientific explanations of the first- and last-quarter moons, ebb and flow tides, where the new moon goes, and more.
Sun Moon Earth: The History of Solar Eclipses from Omens of Doom to Einstein and Exoplanets
By Tyler Nordgren (Basic Books) $30
In Sun Moon Earth, astronomer Tyler Nordgren illustrates how this most seemingly unnatural of natural phenomena was transformed from a fearsome omen to a tourist attraction. This book takes us around the world to show how different cultures interpreted these dramatic events.
The Last Stargazers; The Enduring Story of Astronomy’s Vanishing Explorers
By Emily Levesque (Sourcebooks) $18.99
Levesque takes readers inside the most powerful telescopes in the world and introduces the people who run them. She also explores the future of one of the most ancient and inspiring scientific disciplines as we gain the ability to see farther beyond our planet than ever before while relying increasingly on code and computers to study the stars. Stay up to date with the latest scientific breakthroughs and advancements in the field of astronomy.
The Astronauts Guide to Leaving the Planet: Everything You Need to Know from Training to Re-Entry
By Terry Virts (Workman Publishing) $14.99
A former astronaut inspires the next generation of space travelers with answers to kids’ questions on how people become astronauts, how they prepare for space travel, and what it’s like to live and work in space.
Until next month, happy reading.
The staff at Covered Treasures can be reached at books@ocn.me.
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