By Janet Sellers
Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the info number for that event. Please contact with changes and additions.
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines Metropolitan District 1, 2 & 3 board meeting. Typically meets quarterly on the first Mon., 4 pm Meetings are held via teleconference. For virtual joining instructions and updates see
- Monument Town Council meeting, Mon., Oct. 2 & 16, 18, 6:30 pm, Town Hall Board Room, 645 Beacon Lite Rd., Monument. Normally meets first and third Mon. Info: 719-884-801, for remote attendance links.
- El Paso Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting, usually every Tue., 9 am. There is an additional regular meeting scheduled for Thu., Oct. 19, 9 am. BOCC land use meetings in Oct. are being held on Thu. Oct. 12 & 26, 1 pm. View agendas and meetings at Meetings are held at Centennial Hall, 200 S. Cascade Ave., Suite 150, Colo. Springs. Info: 719-520-643.
- El Paso County Planning Commission meeting, Thu., Oct. 5 & 19, 9 am Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, Colo. Springs. Meetings are live-streamed on the El Paso County News & Information Channel at Normally meets first & third Thu. (as required). Info: 719-520-6300,
- Woodmoor Water & Sanitation District board meeting, Mon., Oct. 9, 1 pm (one- time date change), 1845 Woodmoor Dr., Monument. Normally meets second Mon. Info: 719-488-2525,
- Tri-Lakes Wastewater Facility Joint Use Committee meeting, Tue., Oct 10, 10 am 16510 Mitchell Ave. Meets second Tue. Info: See Bill Burks, 719-481-4053.
- Palmer Lake Board of Adjustments, Tue., Oct. 10, 5 pm, 28 Valley Crescent St., Palmer Lake. Normally meets first Tues., as needed.
- Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee (formerly DAAC), Tue., Oct. 10, Palmer Lake Elementary School, 115 Upper Glenway Palmer Lake. Meets six times a year. Usually meets monthly on second Tue., 6-8 pm, Monument. Contact info:
- Palmer Lake Sanitation District board meeting, Wed., Oct. 11, 9 am, call-in only: 650-479-3208, Access Code 76439078, 120 Middle Glenway. Meets second Wed. Info: 719-481-2732.
- Monument Planning Commission meeting, Wed., Oct. 11, 6 pm Town Hall Board Room, 645 Beacon Lite Rd., Monument. Meets second Wed. To see the options for remote public participation in each meeting, visit Info: 719-884-8028.
- Monument Academy School Board, Thu., Oct. 12, 6:30 pm, East Campus gym, 4303 Pinehurst Circle. The MA board usually meets the second Thu. of the month. Info: 719-431-8001,
- Palmer Lake Board of Trustees meeting, Thu., Oct. 12 & 26, 5 pm, Palmer Lake Town Hall, 28 Valley Crescent, Usually meets second and fourth Thu. Info: 719-481-2953.
- Monument Sanitation District board meeting, Wed., Oct. 18, 9 am, 130 Second St. Zoom meeting. Find joining instructions on the website. Meets third Wed. Info: 719-481-4886,
- Palmer Lake Town Planning Commission meeting, Wed., Oct. 18, 6 pm, Palmer Lake Town Hall, 28 Valley Crescent. Meets third Wed. Info: 719-481-2953,
- Academy Water and Sanitation District board meeting, Wed., Oct. 18, 6 pm. Usually meets third Wed. Public can join the Skype meeting: Check the website for a link: Meets third Wed. Info: 719-481-0711,
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District board meeting, in person or via Zoom, Wed., Oct. 18, 7 pm, Station 1, 11445 Teachout Road, Colorado Springs. Find updates and Zoom meeting joining instructions at or contact Administrative Officer Rachel Dunn at 719-495-4300. Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday.
- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority meeting, Thu., Oct. 19, 9 am Monument Town Hall Boardroom, 645 Beacon Lite Rd. Meets third Thu. Info: 719-488-3603.
- Donala Water & Sanitation District board meeting, Thu., Oct. 19, 1:30 pm, 15850 Holbein Dr. In 2023, meets third Thu., Check the website for the access code for the electronic meeting. Info: 719-488-3603,
- Triview Metropolitan District board meeting, Thu., Oct. 19, 5:30 pm, 16055 Old Forest Point, Suite 302, Monument. Normally meets third Thu. Info: 719-488-6868,
- Lewis-Palmer School District 38 board meeting, Mon., Oct. 23, 6-10 pm. Normally meets third Mon. The Board of Education meeting will be live-streamed on the district’s YouTube channel:, agenda, and supporting documents at Contact Vicki Wood. Phone: 719.481.9546 Email: Website:
- Woodmoor Improvement Association Board Meeting, Wed., Oct. 25, 7 pm, Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Dr. The WIA Board usually meets fourth Wed. Info: 719-488-2693,
- Monument Fire District board meeting, in person or via Zoom, Wed., Oct. 25, 6:30 pm., Station 1, 18650 Highway 105, Monument. Meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday. Find updates and Zoom meeting joining instructions at, or contact Director of Administration Jennifer Martin, at 719-484-0911.
- Donald Wescott Fire Protection District meeting, Meets every other month on the fourth Wed. The next meeting is Wed., Nov. 15, 4:30 pm, at Station 1, 18650 Highway 105 Monument. Find updates and Zoom meeting joining instructions at or contact Jennifer Martin, at 719-484-0911.
- AARP Local Senior Social, fourth Wed., 12455 Black Forest Rd. Info:
- A.A. Big Book Study, every Thu., 7 pm, Family of Christ Lutheran Church, 675 W. Baptist Rd. Call 425-436-6200, access code 575176#.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, every Tue. & Thu., 7:30 p.m. Black Forest Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80908. AA is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Join us with your questions. Info:,
- Al-Anon for family and friends of alcoholics, every Tue. & Thu., 7:30 p.m. Black Forest Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80908. Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. Join us with your questions. Info:
- Al-Anon Zoom Meeting, Just for Today Online, every Mon., 9-10 am Zoom Meeting ID: 889 4142 7446, Password 349309.
- Al-anon Meeting: Monument, every Thu., 7-8 pm, Ascent Church (formerly the Tri-Lakes Chapel), 1750 Deer Creek Rd., Monument. Info:
- Al-Anon meeting: Letting Go, every Thu., 9-10:15 am at Ascent Church, 1750 Deer Creek Rd., Monument. For additional information go to
- Amateur ham radio WØTLM (Tri-Lakes Monument ham radio Association), third Mon. All amateur ham radio operators or those interested in becoming one are welcome. Info:
- Benet Hill Monastery, Let us pray with you, walk in the forest, come up and visit prayer sites, every Sun. worship is 10:15 am, 3190 Benet Lane, 80921. See ad on page < 3 >.
- Benet Hill Monastery, Half Day Prayer Group, first Sat., 9 am-12 pm. All vaccinated guests are welcome. Contact Sister Therese at (719) 355-1638 or (719) 355-1650 or See ad on page < 3 >.
- Benet Hill Monastery Centering Prayer Group, every Tue., 10-11 am. All vaccinated guests are welcome. Contact Sister Therese at (719) 355-1638 or (719) 355-1650 or See ad on page < 3 >.
- AARP Black Forest #1100, second Wed., noon. All ages welcome. In-person, Black Forest Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Rd.
- Black Forest Community Church – Centering Prayer Group, first Sat., 8:30-10 am The Old Log Church. Centering prayer opens and closes the meetings with discussion and fellowship in between; open to all. Contact Rev. Roger Butts, at 719-433-3135, for information.
- Children’s Literacy Center, every Mon. & Wed., 5:30-6:30 pm. Provides free one-on-one literacy tutoring to Tri-Lakes children in grades 1-6 who are reading below grade level. Tutoring is at Grace Best Education Center, 66 Jefferson St. Monument. For more information, to become a volunteer tutor, or to enroll your child, visit or contact Rachel Morin, Tri-Lakes Senior Center Coordinator, CLC 610-246-1047 (cell).
- Colorado Springs Philharmonic Guild Listening Club, third Wed. Free virtual event. Maestro Wilson will conduct monthly hour-long programs. RSVP at
- Essentrics Fitness Program at Senior Center, every Tue., 9 am & Thu., 10 am, Grace Best Education Center, 66 Jefferson St, Monument, CO 80132. Registration & info: Sue Walker, 719-330-0241,
- Fellowship of Christ Church, every Sun., 9 am. 4303 Pinehurst Circle. See ad on page < 6 >.
- Friends of Fox Run Park, fourth Thu. Zoom meeting, 7 pm, email, they will email you the link the day of the meeting. Join the growing group to learn about volunteering and supporting the park for forest safety, trails, trees, education, special events, and more. Info:
- Friends of Monument Preserve (FOMP) Trail Repair monthly Work Days, second Tue. Apr.-Oct. Next meeting: Tue., Oct. 10, 5 pm. Meet at Mt Herman Trailhead at the corner of Mt Herman Rd and Nursery Rd, bring gloves. FOMP needs volunteers to help repair the trails in the National Forest Open Space surrounding the Monument Fire Center. The Forest Service recently completed the second phase of Fire Mitigation work and many of the social trails have been damaged. The Forest Service relies on FOMP to maintain these trails. Tools will be provided.
- Fuel Church Griefshare, every Thu., 5:30-7:30 pm, 643 State Highway 105, Palmer Lake. Email 643 Hwy 105, Palmer Lake.
- Fuel Church Sunday Service, every Sun. Service times, 11:00 am Live service streaming at at 11:40 am on Mountain Community Mennonite Church, 643 Hwy 105, Palmer Lake. Nursery and kids’ service. Non-denominational, spirit-filled. Need prayer? Email us at See ad on page < 5 >.
- German Conversation Group, every Mon., 1:30 pm, Monument Library, 1706 Woodmoor Drive. Public welcome with Intermediate to Advanced German speaking skills.
- Gleneagle Sertoma, first and third Wed., 11:45 am to 1 pm at Beasts and Brews, 7 Spectrum Loop, Colorado Springs. The longest continuously serving civic service organization in northern El Paso County features a program speaker addressing local topics of interest. Info: Duane Gritzmaker, or 719-649-9220.
- Gleneagle Women’s Club, membership luncheon, third Fri., Sep.-June, various venues, 12 activity groups, i.e., hiking, bridge, etc. Guests welcome. For information contact Susan Owen, 719-886-7110.
- GriefShare Support Group, last Tue. of the month, 10:30 am-noon. NEW LOCATION: Tri-Lakes Senior Center, 66 Jefferson St. in the Grace Best Elementary School building. The Tri-Lakes Silver Alliance has partnered with Colorado Palliative and Hospice Care to host a 13-session grief support group in Monument. RSVP, info: Sue Walker, 719-330-0241.
- La Leche League breastfeeding support group, second Mon., 7 pm. Partners and helpers welcome (and babies and kids, too) so we can meet our breastfeeding goals together. Black Forest Community Center 12530 Black Forest Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908. For more information, contact
- Lions Club Bingo, every Sat. (except the first Sat.), 8:30 am-1 pm and first Mon., 5:30-10 pm Tri-Lakes Lions Club’s portion of the proceeds benefit those in need in the Tri-Lakes community. Updated info and location: Jim Naylor, 719-481-8741 or
- Monument Dementia Caregiver Support Group, second Sat., 9:45-11:15 am. Meets in Person, First National Bank Monument ( 581 Highway 105, Monument, CO 80132). Meets monthly, 2nd Sat. Contact: Registration is required, call 800-272-3900 or email to register.
- Monument Hill Kiwanis Club meeting, every Sat., 8 am., for details, guests are welcome. Service leadership clubs, Key clubs, Builders Club, and K-kids at D38 schools. Memberships are open to the public. Info: RF Smith, 719-210-4987,
- Monument Life Recovery Group, every Mon., 6:30-7:30 pm, The Ascent Church, 1750 Deer Creek Rd. This faith-based support group is for those seeking freedom from all hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Daycare for children under age 11. Info: 303-946-2659,
- Neighborhood Net Ham Radio, every Sat., 10 am Amateur ham radio operators practice for emergencies on weekly repeater nets so neighbors can help neighbors. Sign up at or
- Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations (NEPCO) meeting, Sat., Nov. 11, 10 am–12 pm., Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Dr. HOA legal topics. Members of local HOAs are welcome. Usually meets bi-monthly (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sep., Nov.) on the second Sat. of the month.
- Old Fashioned Community Sing-along. First and third Mon. 5:30 to 6:30 pm Black Forest Community Church 6845 Shoup Rd. Come share the joy of singing old, familiar, catchy tunes just for fun. For details:
- Palmer Divide Quiltmakers, first Thu., 6:30-8:30 pm at Monument Chamber of Commerce building, 166 2nd St, Monument, CO.
- Palmer Lake Art Group, second Sat. A variety of art programs are offered after the social gathering and business meetings. Guests welcome. 300 Hwy 105, NE corner of I-25 and 105. 9:30 am. Info: 719-460-4179,
- Palmer Lake Historical Society, Thu., Oct. 19., 7 pm; (doors open at 6:30 pm), Palmer Lake Town Hall, 28 Valley Crescent St. Usually meets third Thu. Contact:,
- Pikes Peak Genealogical Society meeting, Wed., Oct. 11, 7 pm, Cheri Daniels and the macabre side of genealogy. Normally meets monthly, second Wed. Members can log in and get the monthly meeting Zoom link. Guests are welcome to attend, please request an invitation from the PPGS president at
- Ridgeview Baptist Church, every Sun., 10:30 am, temporarily meeting at 9130 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, 80920. Info: 719-357-6515 or See ad on page < 6 >.
- Senior Bingo, third Wed. Silver Alliance Senior Center, Space is limited to 16. participants. RSVP & info: Sue Walker, 719-464-6873, or email
- Senior Book Club, second Fri., 11 am-noon, Silver Alliance Senior Center, all are welcome. Coffee & snacks. RSVP & info: Sue, 719-330-0241.
- Tri-Lakes Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, third Sat., 10 am-noon, Monument Community Presbyterian Church, 238 Third St., Monument. Info: Syble Krafft, 719-488-2669; Barry (group president), 719-351-9485. If you need any help, please call Syble or Barry.
- Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church, Worship every Sun., 9 am Contemporary; 10:30 am Traditional. A live stream is available at Watch live or replay:, Info: 719-488-1365, 20256 Hunting Downs Way, Monument. See ad on page < 2 >.
- Tri-Lakes Church of Christ Wednesday night fellowship classes, every Wed., 6-7:30 pm, 20450 Beacon Lite Road, Monument (corner of Beacon Lite & County Line Roads). Info: 719-488-9613,,
- Tri-Lakes Cruisers, first Wed., 7 pm. A nonprofit car club. Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce community room, with numerous activities and events each month. Club membership applications are now being accepted and are available on the website:
- Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce Networking breakfast, first and third Thu., in person or via Zoom 166 2nd Street Monument 7:30-9 am free registration at
- Tri-Lakes Women’s Club (TLWC) monthly meeting. Fri., Oct. 13, 11:30 a.m. Falcon Club, USAFA. Guest speaker Nancy Pokorny (TLWC Member and Past President) shares insights through pictures, video and stories gleaned from visiting 58 countries. Usually meets the third Fri. To become a member, or learn about the club, visit our website at Contact Info: Tri-Lakes Women’s Club
- Women’s A. A. Step Study, every Mon., 6:30 pm, meeting remotely, check for details. Family of Christ Lutheran Church, 675 Baptist Rd. Park in the west lot. Info: 866-641-9190.Al-Anon Zoom Meeting, Just for Today Online, every Mon., 9:00 – 10:00 am Zoom Meeting ID: 889 4142 7446, Password 349309
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7829, third Wed., 7 pm, Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce community room, 166 2nd St., Monument. New members welcome. Info: Post Commander and POC Bruce Beyerly,
- VFW Auxiliary to Post 7829, third Wed., 7 pm, The Country Club at Woodmoor, 18945 Pebble Beach Way, Monument. Guests are welcome to join; contact for instructions on how to connect. If you are a relative of a veteran who served on foreign soil during war or other military action, you may be eligible. Info: Kathy Carlson, 719-488-1902,
- VOLUNTEER TODAY! Our Community News mailing days, Thu., Oct. 5 & Nov. 2, approx. 9 am–2 pm. We are all volunteers at OCN and need YOUR help, even for an hour or two, getting the papers ready to mail. Contact or (719) 488-3455.
- Pikes Peak Brewing Company Pop-up Smokehouse, every Fri., & Sat. until it’s gone. 1756 Lake Woodmoor Dr. Monument. See ad on page < 2 >.
- Palmer Lake Arts Council presents Romance at the Chautauqua, an original play set in 1901 when the Palmer Lake Chautauqua was the place to be in Colorado. Choose from three performances: Fri., Oct. 6, 7 pm, Sun, Oct. 8, 2 pm, and 6 pm on the stage of the Palmer Lake Town Hall. Ticket information at
- Meet your firefighters event, Sat., Oct. 7, 11-2 pm, free food, goodies for kids, check out the fire engines; Station 4, Monument Fire, 15415 Gleneagle Dr.
- Miner’s pumpkin patch, every Sat. in Oct. Western Museum of Mining and Industry. See ad on page < 9 >.
- Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, Sat., Oct. 7, 9 am; trail riding etiquette handouts, riding clinics, giveaways.. This is a terrific way to get kids outside and develop their mountain biking skills. All ages tots to teens, just need a working bike and helmet to participate. Info:
- PTSD: What You See, Feel, Do About it, Sun., Oct. 8, 1-3 p.m. Do you know someone with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Does it impact family, friends, you? Speaker: Jim Cunningham, LPC, a 24-year Air Force veteran and professional counselor, will conduct this 2-hour session including a presentation and open discussion on PTSD which is open to our congregation and community. Family of Christ Lutheran Church Youth Center (West Entrance) 675 Baptist Rd. Hosted by FOC Stephen Ministry.
- Monument Hill Farmers Market, every Sat., 8 am-2 pm until Oct. 14. 66 Jefferson Street Monument. See ad on page < 5 >.
- MVEA Member appreciation day, Wed., Oct. 11. Lunch, pie, more: 11 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. At the Falcon office 11140 East Woodman Road 80831.
- Annual pumpkin giveaway! Sat., Oct. 14, 10 am-2 pm. FREE pumpkins, candy, live music, and a delicious food truck. Sponsored by Monument Professional Firefighters local 4319. Monument marketplace clock tower 15986 Jackson Creek Pkwy. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Tri Lakes Cares food drive!
- Kiwanis Fundraiser adventure wine and dining for the Heart of Monument play park, Sun., Oct. 15. 1-4 pm. see ad on page < 3 >.
- Lifting Spirits Going Out of Business Sale, Mon.-Thu., Oct. 16-26. See ad on page < 8 >.
- The Love Shop – Restyle Your Fur Event, Mon.-Tue., Oct. 16-17. See ad on page < 8 >.
- 100+ Women Who Care Bi-Annual Meeting, Wed. Oct. 18, 5 pm, We are 100+ Women committed to contributing $100 two times a year to local Tri-Lakes charities, which will positively impact our communities by allowing us to give up to $20,000 annually. Together we can make a difference that we can see! Big impact, without a big commitment. Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Drive. For more info:
- D38 Dream Team versus Harlem Wizards, Wed., Oct. 18, 7-9 pm. See ad on page < 9 >.
- Covered Treasures Bookstore, Sat., Oct. 21, 1-4 pm, author Bethany Turner will sign Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other, 105 Second Street, Monument.
- AARP Drivers Safety Class – AARP Drivers Safety class: Thu., Oct. 26, 12 – 4 pm Black Forest Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 12455 Black Forest Road in Colorado Springs. $20 for AARP members, $25 for non-members. Cash or check; call 710.597.5683 to register.
- St. Peter Catholic School Trunk or Treat, Fri., Oct. 27, food trucks 5-7 pm, trunk or treating 6-7 pm. 124 First St. Monument. Info:
- Front Range Maker’s Market, Sat.-Sun., Oct. 28 – 29. Lewis Palmer High School, Sat. 9 am-4 pm, Sun. 10 am-3 pm. $5 at the door. See ad on page < 28 >.
- YMCA 5K race series: Creepy crawl, Sat., Oct. 28; Turkey trot, Thu., Nov., 23; Jingle jog, Sat., Dec. 9. See ad on page < 6 >.
- Make It Work Clinic for PCs, FREE. Donations appreciated. We are gauging interest in helping community members with their PCs, please email us if interested. 55 Adams St in Downtown Monument. Monumental Impact info/ register:
- A Time to Dance: Dance classes for everyone. See ad on page < 4 >.
- Affordable Flooring Connection, special offers. See ad on page < 2 >.
- Cornerstone Cleaners, special offers through Oct. 31. 1030 W. Baptist Road, near King Soopers. See ad on page < 4 >.
- Eagle Wine & Spirits, special offers through Oct. 31. Baptist Road next to King Soopers. See ad on page < 3 >.
- Eric Ellison, the “Lightfoot of the Rockies”, Colorado music performances. See ad on page < 4 >.
- Fall Mountain Farm, Family fun for everyone: pumpkin patch, scavenger hunt, hayrides & more, see ad on page < 17 >.
- Freedom School of Martial arts, confidence course, special offer, see ad on pages 4 and 15.
- Gleneagle Candle Co., special offers through Oct. 31. 13796 Gleneagle Drive 80921. See ad on page < 4 >.
- Monument Cleaners, special offers through Oct. 31., 15932 Jackson Creek Pkwy., in Monument Marketplace. See ad on page < 5 >.
- Monumental Med Spa, Special offers through Oct. 31. 88 Hwy 105. See ad on page < 7 >.
- Noel Relief Centers, new patient specials. 950 Baptist Rd #130, Monument. See ad on page < 7 >.
- Peakview Windows, Siding, Stucco. Special offers through Oct. 31 .See ad on page < 28 >.
- The Living Room Plants, special offers through Oct. 31, 12229 Voyager Pkwy, Suite 100. See ad on page < 5 >.
- Tri-Lakes Collision and Auto Service Center, special offers through Oct. 31. 2101 Wolf Court, Monument. See ad on page < 5 >.
- The Vanity Box, special offers, facial revivals, and more. See ad on page < 3 >.
- Community Technology & Engineering Networking Meeting, Sat., Nov. 18, 9 am-10 am. Join community members to network and connect. Hosted by Monumental Impact. Breakfast and refreshments available. 55 Adams St., Monument. Contact:
- The MITEE Gobble Squabble: A Technology & Engineering Exhibition presented by D38’s Bearbotics, Sat., Nov. 18, FREE entertainment of student-built robots, scrimmage matches, ant-weight combat bots (adults can compete too!), project shares and more. Grace Best in Monument. More information:
- International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Annual community and worldwide event Sat., Nov. 18. Speaker, kids panel, adults panel and discussion, refreshments, more. Woodman Valley Chapel. Details: or contact Saucedo 719-488-8280
- Book signing by Lisa Hatfield, Sat., Nov. 25. Covered Treasures bookstore. See ad on page < 5 >.
Our community calendar carries listings on a space-available basis for Tri-Lakes events that are sponsored by local governmental entities and not-for-profit organizations. We include events that are open to the general public and are not religious or self-promotional in nature. If space is available, complimentary calendar listings are included, when requested, for events advertised in the current issue. To have your event listed at no charge in Our Community Calendar, please send the information to or Our Community News, P.O. Box 1742, Monument, Colorado 80132.
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