- John Adams at TLCA, Oct. 28
- AARP donates to PPLD
- Black Forest Arts & Crafts Fall Show
- Bearbotics teams win, Nov. 11
- Kiwanis Club Harvest of Love
- Empty Bowls benefits TLC
- Gobble Squabble, Nov. 18
- Tri-Lakes Women’s Club Holiday Joy fundraiser, Nov. 17-18
- Chamber Non-Profit Night, Nov. 21
- Flags retired, Nov. 11
- Local authors sign books, Nov. 25
- Scouts placed flags for veterans on Veterans Day, Nov. 11

John Adams at TLCA, Oct. 28

AARP donates to PPLD

Black Forest Arts & Crafts Fall Show

Bearbotics teams win, Nov. 11

Kiwanis Club Harvest of Love

Empty Bowls benefits TLC

Gobble Squabble, Nov. 18

Above and below: The third annual Monumental Impact for Technology, Engineering and Entrepreneurship (MITEE), the business arm to Bearbotics, was held at Grace Best Elementary School on Nov. 18. The Gobble Squabble competition included First Technology Challenge (FTC), First Robotics Challenge (FRC), advanced categories, and instruction on how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create art. Jeanette Breton, who founded the Bearbotics program in D38 and organized the volunteers for this event, said 11 teams with five to eight participants each competed in various categories including “Battle bots” in “cage-fighting,” and the FRC competition in which robots picked up and moved hexagonal pieces (“pixels”) in timed events. This competition included local high school and middle school students, students and adults from Denver and other schools in Colorado, including a senior from Colorado School of Mines in Golden. Winners will advance to regional competition and possibly to national competition. Photos by Steve Pate.

Tri-Lakes Women’s Club Holiday Joy fundraiser, Nov. 17-18

Chamber Non-Profit Night, Nov. 21

Flags retired, Nov. 11
On Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11, U. S. Flags were properly “retired” by Scout Troop 17 at Jackson Creek Senior Living (JCSL). The ceremony for worn flags was requested by Laura Hale, Sales director for JCSL who worked with Mike Saber, Scout leader, to organize the event. The ceremony involves properly handling flags and preparing them for burning. Prior to the ceremony, Scouts built a fire pit on the south lawn of JCSL and will cover the area for future ceremonies. Scott Mitchell took over Scoutmaster duties from Frank DeLalla this year and said that Scouts also placed flags on veteran’s gravestones at the Monument cemetery earlier the morning of Nov. 11 and will remove them Nov. 12. Mike Saber, led a preliminary ceremony inside JCSL and explained to the residents and others in attendance how the process works. He began by quoting a speech by President Harry S Truman and was followed by Scouts Charlie Bucheit and Colin Saber and Cub Scout Luke Stoctenberg. Several residents at JCSL are veterans. Many flags were collected from sites in the Tri-Lakes area, including the Monument Police Department, Fire Station No. 1, and the Palmer Lake library. If you have a worn flag and wish to have it properly retired, you may drop it off at these and other area locations. Representatives of the Monument Police and Fire Departments were present.

Local authors sign books, Nov. 25

Above and below: Local authors Diane Sawatzki (above) and Lisa Hatfield (below) were at Covered Treasures Bookstore in Monument on Nov. 25 to sign copies of their latest publications. Hatfield just released her second novel, To Melt a Snowdrift, which addresses preparation for surviving when stranded in blizzard conditions along with family stresses in such a situation. She also wrote To Starve an Ember that deals with wildfire mitigation and preparation. Sawatzki signed her latest book in the Once Upon Another Time trilogy, The Land of Now. Her previous novels are Once Upon Another Time and Manyhorses Traveling. The three novels involve time travel that goes back as far as 1863. All these books are available at Covered Treasures. Photos by Steve Pate..

Scouts placed flags for veterans on Veterans Day, Nov. 11

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