By Jackie Burhans
At its April meeting, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board heard an update from the Northern El Paso Coalition of Community Organizations (NEPCO) meeting regarding legislation around homeowner association (HOA) rules for vegetable gardens. It also heard residents’ concerns about trashcans and email communication and heard director reports.
HOA legislation on vegetable gardens
HOA Administrator Denise Cagliaro attended the May meeting of NEPCO in Director Rick DePaiva’s stead. She reported that the state Legislature passed a bill requiring HOAs to allow vegetable gardens in the side and front yards of homes. WIA must pick three designs that are pre-approved and post them on its website. Cagliaro clarified that the rule does not cover greenhouses. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is working on developing the approved designs and taking into consideration the need for deer fencing, said ACC Administrator Bob Pearsall.
The legislation in question is SB23-0178, Water-wise Landscaping in Homeowners’ Associate Communities. It reiterates current regulation that allows for non-vegetative turf in backyards, hardscape in a portion of the landscaping area, 80% drought-tolerant plantings, and vegetable gardens in the front, back, or side yard of an owner’s property. The bill requires an HOA to permit three pre-approved garden designs that adhere to principles of water-wise landscaping or be part of a water conservation program operated by a local water provider. For more information, see
Resident concerns
Two residents spoke at the board meeting. One of them noted that there were several neighbors leaving their trashcans out after their trash had been picked up and asked if there weren’t something that could be done. President Brian Bush, for whom this is a pet peeve, noted that WIA has stickers they can place on trashcans reminding them to take them in. Bush noted that residents could report such incidents to covenant enforcement or Woodmoor Public Safety (WPS), and they will treat it as a covenant violation.

Another resident asked if WIA had fixed its email problem. Vice President Peter Bille said it had not, but WIA was looking to switch providers. The resident said she could provide a referral to her provider, and Bush suggested she send it to Cagliaro and Bille, but not via email.
Board highlights
Treasurer Connie Brown noted that there will still be 100 unpaid accounts and that WIA would file 56 liens before June 1, noting this was a very small percentage of property owners. Bush noted that it was more expensive to pay liens than to pay the annual dues.
Brown commended the staff for holding down expenses.
Director of Covenants Per Suhr said there were 13 covenant-related items in April and that WIA preferred to handle issues with phone calls or friendly letters. There were no covenant hearings in May, nor did he anticipate one in June. Suhr commended Covenants Administrator Justin Gates, saying he has done a tremendous job, noting that in the past, there had been meetings every month with many residents.
Director of Architectural Control Ed Miller reported 47 submitted projects in April; 37 were approved by Pearsall and 10 were approved by the ACC. Year to date, 138 projects have been submitted, 31.3% fewer than in 2022, Miller said. The approval rate is 99.2%.
Cagliaro reported on behalf of Director of Forestry Cindy Thrush that there were seven Firewise grant visits and that WIA had just been notified by the state of an additional $30,000 in grant money.
Chipping days are scheduled at Lewis-Palmer High School on June 10 and 11, as well as on July 29 and 30. This service is free to Woodmoor residents.
The board unanimously approved a $1,000 deposit and budget not to exceed $39,000 to acquire a new Toyota RAV 4 hybrid to be received sometime in July. Public Safety Director Brad Gleason noted that WPS is transitioning away from Jeeps due to maintenance issues.
The WIA Board of Directors usually meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Barn at 1691 Woodmoor Drive, Monument. The next meeting will be on June 28.
The WIA calendar can be found at WIA board meeting minutes can be found at once approved and posted.
Jackie Burhans can be reached at
Other Woodmoor Improvement Association articles
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Jan. 27 and 29 – Annual meeting and reorganization (3/1/2025)
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- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Nov. 20 – Board hears resident request for letter on Buc-ee’s (12/5/2024)
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- Woodmoor Improvement Association, May 22 – Board fills vacancy, explains approach to forestry (6/1/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, April 24 – Board member passes away (5/4/2024)