- NDS update
- Water rights lease agreement
- Operations report
- Higby Road redesign
- Unexplained water loss cause discovered
- Financial update
- Public Works and Parks and Open Space update
- Executive session
By Natalie Barszcz
At the Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) meeting on June 22, the board received an update on the progress of the Northern Delivery System (NDS) pipeline project, approved a water rights lease agreement, and held an executive session to discuss acquisitions, negotiations, and receive legal advice for water, and property, and the draft aquifer storage and recovery report.
Vice Chairman Anthony Sexton was excused.
NDS update
District Manager James McGrady said the NDS pipeline project had reached Roller Coaster Road, and Kiewit Infrastructure is installing about 300 feet of pipeline per day, (the original bid had predicted 200 feet per day). The pipeline project has reached the trail head entrance to Fox Run Regional Park, and everything is going extremely well, he said. The pipeline is expected to reach Highway 83 by September, and he thanked Kiewit Infrastructure for working with landowners along the pipeline to negotiate storage of materials along the route. The district plans to complete the overlay of asphalt along the pipeline route in early fall, he said.
For NDS pipeline project updates, answers to questions and concerns, and to sign-up for email notifications, visit www.triviewnds.com. The link can also be found at www.triviewmetro.com.
Note: TMD is expecting to receive district-owned renewable surface water via the pipeline after the pump house is built next to the Colorado Springs Utilities water storage tank east of Highway 83 and Old Northgate Road. The pump house is scheduled for completion in October 2024.
Water rights lease agreement
McGrady requested the board review and consider an amendment to the district water rights lease agreement between James Treat of 7021 County Road 104, Salida and TMD. The district owns all of Bale Ditch 1, that diverts water into the Arkansas River, and owns half of Bale Ditch 2. The Treat family owns and uses the second half of Bale 2 to irrigate a hay crop. The agreement allows the district to have a standing lease to begin using the second half of the Bale Ditch water whenever Treat decides to stop using the water. The district will pay Treat for the use of the water. In addition to an existing water right, the agreement will justify and include the Treat water right, and whenever he decides to sell in the future, the district would likely be the buyer of the other half of Bale 2. The district has undertaken the engineering portion to divert the water from Bale 2 back to the Arkansas River, he said.
Water Attorney Chris Cummins of Monson Cummins & Shotet LLC said the lease agreement is favorable for owner Treat because it will avoid his duplication of the engineering costs to divert his share of water back into the Arkansas River.
Director Jason Gross said the agreement constitutes astute planning.
The board approved the water rights lease agreement between the district and Treat and authorized the district manager to sign with only non-substantive changes to the approved agreement, 4-0.
Operations report
McGrady said the following:
- The Pueblo 1041 permit was scheduled for review and consideration by the Pueblo County Commissioners on June 27. The permit is critical for the district to operate all its water assets and exchanges between it and Pueblo.
- The pump station at the Stonewall Springs Reservoir, Pueblo County, was commissioned on June 26, and the district has begun storing water in the reservoir.
- The Upper Monument Creek Waste Water Regional Treatment Facility’s 86-page report is being reviewed by the district. The report will be discussed in the July executive session. See www.ocn.me/v23n4.htm#tmd.
Higby Road redesign
McGrady said the Higby Road redesign was undecided due to the multiple staff turnovers at the Town of Monument (TOM). A meeting is scheduled with the TOM to work through some of the technicalities of the design. The district has a comprehensive functional design that meets everyone’s needs including the school district’s, he said. The TOM Planning Department now have new staff with different ideas on the width of the road. The district is managing the project and engaged two traffic engineers, one with over 25 years of experience from Colorado Springs, and a design engineer. A Kiewit engineer also provided a cost estimate for the project. The district did collect money from developers to pay for the Higby Road project, he said.
Gross requested a confirmation briefing to ensure the design considers teen driver safety. See www.ocn.me/v23n2.htm#tmd.
Unexplained water loss cause discovered
Superintendent Shawn Sexton said after re-calculating the water usage versus water sold the district discovered a water loss of a little over 7% compared to previous months that indicated as much as a 15%-22% water loss. Water loss is at a normal acceptable level, but zero would be best.
McGrady said the unexplained water loss discussion in May was due to the district reading the meters on the 28th of each month, but the real reading is on the last day of the month. In winter, the extra days are added to the next month, but a hot day after the 28th in spring and summer would show higher usage. In the future, the district will compare apples to apples to ensure accurate water loss levels. The calculations were just a measurement issue, thrown off by high usage days, he said. See www.ocn.me/v23n6.htm#tmd.
Financial update
President Mark Melville requested the board review and approve the checks over $5,000 and said that all expenses were budgeted line items and part of the overall 2023 budget.
The board approved the checks over $5,000 as presented, 4-0.
Treasurer/Secretary James Barnhart noted that vehicle expenses were at $660,000—1100% over the budgeted $20,000 for 2023 in the financial report.
McGrady said the staff would need to investigate what appears to be a possible line-item discrepancy. The district conducts all vehicle oil changes in house, but expenses have been high for tires and fuel. Having an in-house mechanic has saved money for the district, and until the district purchased a $500 blade sharpener, the district had a weekly expense for the sharpening of blades. The cost of sub-contracting jobs is high and the district endeavors to keep most jobs in house, he said.
The board accepted the financial report as presented, 4-0.
Public Works and Parks and Open Space update
Superintendent Matt Rayno said the following:
- The spring weather pattern has been a huge challenge for the staff to keep the district in viable shape. The district has seen excessive plant growth due to the rainfall, and additional weed control and early pruning is needed. A typical spring is not usually as wet, and herbicide control has been diluted by the water. Mowing is needed every five days, and the staff are working hard to catch up.
- The paving is now complete at the new state-of-the-art facility at A Yard (located adjacent to the power station east of Jackson Creek Parkway). The new facility will house the 900-ECO 12-yard truck-mounted combination sewer cleaner, on order since August 2022. See www.ocn.me/v22n9.htm#tmd.
- The Agate Creek Park enhancement project is nearing completion, with two staff dedicated to working on the park. Staff planted about 500 shrubs alongside the trails and anticipate a July 4 completion date. Foot traffic will not be permitted until after the surface is stabilized and the first mow is completed.
- The Remington Hills overlay project was placed on hold due to erosion from the new development and the weather, but the district is hoping to begin the overlay July 9, after patching and re-stabilizing the road.
This reporter mentioned the wet trail behind Split Creek Drive at the intersection below the retention pond behind Transcontinental Drive in Promontory Pointe. Although a drain exists in the low point of the trail intersection, and drain improvements had been made in the past, the area more often remains wet throughout the year, causing the majority of trail users to cut another trail close to a property line. The pet station receptacle placed just west of the soggy area is often difficult to access from the trail that runs from the northern utility tract, south to Lyons Tail Road. Although the region has experienced an unusually wet spring, the problem has existed since the beginning of the development, hence the well-worn trail that veers from the designated trail, she said.
Melville suggested some additional buildup in the area might alleviate the problem.
Gross asked if a wet spot on the trail system behind Oxbow Drive could be fixed. He said a neighbor’s sump pump drains onto the trail, and he suggested the district install drainage in that area.
Rayno said that another resident on Lacuna Drive has a sump pump dumping out, and that the district needs to create culverts to help drain water in these spots, but many trails need work, especially after the prolonged heavy spring rain storms.
Executive session
The board moved into an executive session at 7:21 p.m. pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 24-6-402(4) (a), (b), and (e), to discuss acquisitions, negotiations, and receive legal advice for water and property, and the draft aquifer storage and recovery report. See www.ocn.me/v23n6.htm#dwsd.
After the meeting, Assistant District Manager Steve Sheffield confirmed that no decisions were made when the board returned to the regular meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Meetings are usually held on the third Thursday every month at the district office at 16055 Old Forest Point, Suite 302. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 20 at 5:30 p.m. For meeting agendas, minutes, and updates, visit https://triviewmetro.com.
Natalie Barszcz can be reached at nataliebarszcz@ocn.me.
Other Triview Metropolitan District articles
- Triview Metropolitan District, Feb. 11 – Northern Monument Creek Interceptor pipeline project IGA approved (3/1/2025)
- Triview Metropolitan District, May 18 – Former directors recognized; new directors sworn in (2/22/2025)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Jan. 23 – 2025 water and wastewater rates and fees increase approved (2/1/2025)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Dec. 16 – Study reveals water and wastewater rate increase; administrative/utility offices pursued (1/4/2025)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Nov. 21 – 2025 annual budget approved; mill levies set (12/5/2024)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Oct. 24 – Bond pursued for road widening project (11/2/2024)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Sept. 19 – Northern Delivery System fully operational; resident raises traffic concerns (10/5/2024)
- Triview Metropolitan District, Aug. 22 – 2023 budget amended; 2023 audit presented; district opposes initiatives 50 and 108 (9/7/2024)
- Triview Metropolitan District, July 18 – Northern Delivery System complete; land annexation approved (8/3/2024)
- Triview Metropolitan District, June 20 – Wastewater processing explored; legislative changes raise concern (7/6/2024)