- Enhancement of audio systems
- Curriculum discussion
- Policy discussions
- Restructuring of bus routes
- Election discussion
By Harriet Halbig
Due to the lateness of the June meeting of the Board of Education, only a brief notice was included in the July issue. Following is a more detailed description.
Enhancement of audio systems
The board discussed investing in enhancement of audio capability in the schools. This enhancement will include microphones, classroom speakers, front office media players, licenses, and outdoor speaker capability among other improvements.
In a proposed phase 1 of the project, enhancements would be installed in Lewis-Palmer Elementary, Lewis-Palmer Middle School, and Lewis-Palmer High School.
Chief Business Officer Brett Ridgway said the project would focus on technology and infrastructure to enhance the district’s safety and security. He said that the project had been reviewed by Chief of Security Dennis Coates for its effectiveness.
Some of the proposed funding will come from contingency funds from the 2022-23 district budget.
Ridgway said that some schools now have failing intercom systems and a need to amplify announcements into each classroom.
Director Matthew Clawson asked whether it was necessary to enhance all three schools now.
Superintendent KC Somers said that Lewis-Palmer Elementary is most in need as it is the oldest of the three schools.
Board Treasurer Ron Schwarz commented that district officials thoroughly investigated suppliers and manufacturers before coming to this decision. He said the enhancement would provide additional connectivity with public safety and law enforcement officials in the event of an emergency and would include information on card readers and other district programs.
Board President Tiffiney Upchurch asked whether there is a financial advantage to doing this now.
Director of Operations and Development Chris Coulter responded that this is a life-saving system. He suggested that if all schools are not upgraded at once, it may be possible to complete the upgrades during late night or early morning hours.
The board approved the proposal 4-1, with Clawson voting nay.
Curriculum discussion
The board approved new curriculum for fourth-grade history (The Colorado Story, an updated version of the current curriculum), fourth- and fifth-grade social studies, and fourth- and fifth- grade science. In addition, the board approved the use of character education programs which have been used on a trial basis over the past year.
The board also approved additional counselors for the elementary schools. During the discussion it was emphasized that there is a concern about accountability and privacy and to respect community values rather than national standards.
The board approved the curriculum 4-1 with Clawson voting nay.
Policy discussions
The board approved updated policies on wellness, which include provisions for physical education and nutritional requirements.
The board also approved a new policy regarding the provision of medically necessary treatment in the schools. The policy states that the treatment must be recommended by a Colorado licensed healthcare provider or licensed private health care specialist. The provider or specialist must attend IEP (individual education plan) or 504 meetings to discuss the necessity of the treatments.
The district also retains the ability to have the treatments administered by qualified district staff or a contracted provider.
An additional provision allows the provider or specialist access to the classroom to observe as long as this observation is not disruptive.
Restructuring of bus routes
Somers explained that district bus routes are divided into three priority groups.
The first priority group is the special education routes as they are required by federal law.
The second priority is the regular neighborhood routes which are at or near capacity.
The third priority are those routes east of Highway 83.
At the time of the meeting, four people were undergoing driver training. All of these drivers would be assigned to priorities 1 and 2.
There is an ongoing shortage of drivers. At the moment there will be only one route to serve students east of Highway 83.
Election discussion
The board appointed Vicki Wood, secretary to the superintendent, as the district’s representative to notify county officials of the desire to participate in the Nov. 7 election. Four of the five board positions are eligible for election this year.
Petition packets can be picked up from Wood at the administration building beginning Aug 9.
The Lewis-Palmer D 38 Board of Education meets at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of each month in the district learning center, 146 Jefferson St., Monument. The next meeting will be on Aug. 21.
Harriet Halbig may be reached at harriethalbig@ocn.me.
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- Lewis-Palmer Board of Education, June 26 – Board approves budgets for district and Monument Academy (1/23/2025)
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