Science as the basis for wildlife management decisions is a core tenet of the North American model of wildlife conservation. This hunting ban runs counter to science. Mountain lion populations are not biologically threatened. They range from northern Canada to the southern extent of South America, the largest latitudinal range of any mammal in the Western Hemisphere.
Likewise, bobcats are widespread across the U.S. and are not biologically threatened. They are the most common North American wild cat species. Also, trophy hunting is already illegal in Colorado, and lynx are protected from harvest thanks to existing state and federal law.
Be an informed voter. Read about the long history of successful species and ecosystem restoration and Colorado’s healthy wild cat populations from the experts at Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The out-of-state extremists pushing this ban claim that lions reduce the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), but there is no peer-reviewed science that shows lions target CWD-infected deer, and even if they do, the prions are still on the landscape and spread around the landscape by other scavengers.
Lastly, trophy hunting is already illegal in Colorado, and lynx are protected from harvest thanks to existing state and federal law. Supporters of Prop. 127 are using intentionally deceptive language to pass a statewide ban on regulated hunting. Colorado’s wildlife professionals are the experts. Leave the big cat management to them, not out-of-state extremists. Vote no on 127.
Nathan Kettner
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Disclaimer: The information and opinions expressed in Letters to Our Community are the responsibility of the letter writers and should not be interpreted as the views of OCN even if the letter writer is an OCN volunteer. The letters are arranged in alphabetical order based on the last name of the author.
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