By Jackie Burhans
At its regular board meeting on Oct. 23, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board approved its 2025 budget, which included an increase in annual dues.
The board also heard about a development just north of the YMCA along with director reports.
2025 budget increases dues
President Brian Bush said the board has looked at the budget for next year, which includes a proposed increase to $299.50 in dues, which is just under the 3% maximum allowed. The budget proposed salary increases for staff with a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 3%, noting that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Denver/Boulder is slightly less, but WIA has not been able to grant increases to match inflation in recent years. The budget is balanced and will be posted on the website, he said.
Vice President Peter Bille said that, in addition to salaries, insurance plays a big part in the increased dues. Bush concurred, saying that insurance prices have gone up nationwide but are a requirement for the organization.
The board unanimously approved the budget.
Development north of YMCA
Bush said he had been approached by the developer of the 11 acres just north of the YMCA in Woodmoor Placer Tract B. They may ask the board to change covenants to include light commercial, which the board can do per the KAB Pankey agreement of 1999. This development will also include a new fire station.
For more on developments in Woodmoor, see
Board highlights
- Bille reported that WIA experienced computer issues in the past week which delayed staff responses. Those issues have been resolved.
- Secretary and Director of Community Outreach Rick DePaiva said WIA would repeat its holiday lighting contest this year with winners in three categories, each receiving $100 Mountain View Electric Association (MVEA) credits. Watch for details in the November eBlast; sign up at
- Treasurer Pete Giusti reported that income and expenses were on target.
- Homeowner Association (HOA) Administrator Denise Cagliaro noted that the November meeting was moved to Nov. 20 and the December meeting to Dec. 18 due to holidays. She also noted that the new website has launched.
- Director of Covenant Control Sue Leggiero reported 457 covenant violations in September, primarily regarding tall grass and noxious weeds along with nine HOA checks. No covenant hearings were scheduled for October or November.
- Director of Public Safety Brad Gleason advised residents that bears are very active right now and they should not leave trash cans out. He also recommended not leaving keys in cars whether or not they are running.
- Director of Architectural Control Ed Miller reported a 2.5% increase in projects submitted to the Architectural Control Committee with the majority approved by the administrator for a total rate of 99.8% approved.
- Director of Forestry Cindy Thrush thanked residents who called and wrote to support efforts for a new fire mitigation grant, which has been submitted to the state for consideration.
- Director of Common Areas Steve Cutler said prairie dog mitigation was completed on Sept. 16, and the second mowing of common areas occurred the week of Oct. 21.
- Bush asked Cagliaro to prepare an accounts payable detailing who owed money, how much and for how long, noting that the outstanding balance was $75,000.
The WIA Board of Directors usually meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Barn at 1691 Woodmoor Drive, Monument. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 20 due to the holiday. The WIA calendar can be found at WIA board meeting minutes will be posted at
Jackie Burhans can be reached at
Other WIA articles
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Jan. 27 and 29 – Annual meeting and reorganization (3/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, May 24 – Board hears about new regulation regarding vegetable gardens (2/22/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Dec. 18 – Board confirms opposition to Buc-ee’s (1/4/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Nov. 20 – Board hears resident request for letter on Buc-ee’s (12/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Sept. 25 – Board seeks community support for wildfire mitigation grant (10/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Aug 28 – Change to prairie dog elimination causes delay (9/7/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, July 24 – Board confirms plans to eradicate prairie dogs (8/3/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, June 26 – Board reminds residents of $5,000 fine for fireworks (7/6/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, May 22 – Board fills vacancy, explains approach to forestry (6/1/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, April 24 – Board member passes away (5/4/2024)