- Monument Academy presentation
- Superintendent Forum
- Board of Education report
- Social and emotional wellness discussion
- Security audit
- Committee reports
By Harriet Halbig
The Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee met on Nov. 12 at the Monument Academy East Campus. The committee heard reports on the school year calendar, safety and security, and social and emotional wellness.
Monument Academy presentation
Monument Academy (MA) senior Audrey Hoida spoke of activities available to students at the school, including participation in the Student Council and National Honor Society, various sports, drama, band, orchestra, choir, and art.
The senior capstone project required each graduating student to address what is true, good, and beautiful.
MA Principal Angela Duca explained the mission of the school and that it is based on respect, academic excellence, responsibility, character, and exemplary citizenship. The student experience includes traditional culturally and classically based curriculum including core knowledge, college prep, and classical education.
The academy was founded in 1996 and the East Campus opened in 2020. The East Campus serves grades 6 through 12 and saw its first graduating class in 2024. The east campus now serves 400 middle school students and 138 high school students. Students in elementary and middle schools wear uniforms.
Superintendent Forum
Superintendent Dr. Stacie Datteri shared drafts of the proposed district calendars for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years. District policy is to draft two years’ calendars at a time. Some proposed changes included removing Assessment Day from August and moving one of the Professional Learning Community work days from January back to February where it once was.
Board of Education report
Board Liaison Dr. Patti Shank reported on that day’s board retreat, which gave members the opportunity to discuss such topics as a safety audit, considerations of the use of Grace Best Elementary, and student capacities at district schools. The board also discussed the possibility of receiving business sponsorships for the new Career and Innovation Center.
When asked why the district is investing in a new building when existing facilities are in need of repair, Shank responded that the new center will serve to keep students in the district and that funds for needed repairs are in the district budget.
Social and emotional wellness discussion
Director of Student Services Rick Frampton reported that a recent analysis was made of the district’s offerings regarding social and emotional wellness.
The district contracted with Practical Statistics to conduct the analysis which included seeking best practices from state and national sources, conducting interviews with students and staff, and review of data from student surveys.
Frampton said improved teacher retention could help with maintaining teacher/student relationships that could support mental health. A sense of belonging is essential to support mental health, he said.
Student surveys indicated that a vast majority of students know at least one adult teacher or other staff member who sees them as an individual.
Security audit
Director of Security Dennis Coates reported that the district recently contracted with KRW to review district security practices. All buildings except for MA (MA is scheduled for a review soon) were visited and a review of video and communications systems was done. The district’s relationship with area first responders was also examined.
Principals, staff, and the superintendent were interviewed as part of the audit.
Coates said recent improvements such as the addition of security vestibules and communication systems were mentioned as positive changes. Development of emergency procedures was also mentioned. Such factors as doors and windows, environmental security design (such as ensuring that landscaping does not impede visibility of buildings), and having a security supervisor at each location were suggested.
Recommendations included adding to the security team, reviewing emergency protocols, considering uniforms for security personnel, and improving the district website. Security at Prairie Winds Elementary School was cited as a concern.
When asked about procedures during a wildfire, Coates responded that there have been exercises with local first responders to address such situations. When asked about possible hoaxes regarding threats to the schools, Coates said that the district takes all such reports seriously and investigates them.
Committee reports
The Financial Transparency Committee met in October to discuss the Grace Best and administrative campus and funding for the Career and Innovation Center.
The Special Education Advisory Committee and the Wellness Committee rescheduled their meetings due to the recent snowstorm.
The Early Childhood Advisory Committee toured the pre-K classrooms at Bear Creek Elementary to consider what improvements may be needed. Current pre-K enrollment is low, and feedback from parents indicates that they would like a full-day program. The district does not currently offer such a program but is considering a pilot program at Bear Creek and opening a new pre-K classroom at Palmer Lake Elementary.
The Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee meets six times per year. The committee will not meet in December. The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Jan. 14 at Ray Kilmer Elementary School, 4285 Walker Road, Colorado Springs. For information, please contact tmckee@lewispalmer.org.
Harriet Halbig may be reached at harriethalbig@ocn.me.
Other Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee articles
- Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Feb. 11 – Selection of new superintendent, treatment of Grace Best Elementary School, budget process discussed (3/1/2025)
- Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Oct. 8 – Grace Best Elementary School, Career-Innovation Center plans discussed (11/2/2024)
- Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Sept. 10 – Committee discusses strategic plan, assessment results, bylaws change (10/5/2024)
- Lewis-Palmer D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Feb. 13 – Committee receives leadership hiring and superintendent search update (3/2/2024)
- D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Jan. 9 – Discussion of Priority 1, D38 Foundation report (2/3/2024)
- D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Nov. 14 – Committee hears reports on staff and family surveys, Key Communicator program (12/2/2023)
- D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Oct. 10 – Committee hears updates on Consent Task Force, D38 Education Foundation (11/4/2023)
- D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Sept. 12. Committee sets priorities for coming year, appoints new co-chair. (10/7/2023)