By Helen Walklett
During November, the commissioners heard requests relating to the proposed Monument Ridge development south of County Line Road and directly east of I-25. They also recommended for approval a final plat in Black Forest that would create six single-family lots.
Monument Ridge
At their Nov. 21 meeting, the commissioners heard requests for two rezones and a preliminary plan for the proposed Monument Ridge development. The property is just under 60 acres and is directly southeast of the intersection of Interstate 25 and County Line Road, southwest of the intersection of County Line Road and Doewood Drive, and a half-mile north of the intersection of Monument Hill Road and Misty Acres Boulevard. It is currently zoned a mixture of Planned Unit Development (PUD), RS-20000 (residential suburban) and various commercial zonings. Before the applications to county, the property was twice the subject of unsuccessful attempts to annex it into the Town of Monument.
The property would be bisected by the planned extension north of Misty Acres Boulevard. The first rezone concerns almost 19 acres east of this extension and would be rezoned to RS-6000 (residential suburban). The applicant plans to create 37 single-family lots on this portion and has committed to 15,000-square-foot lots against the existing 20,000-square-foot lots on the property’s eastern boundary.
The second rezone relates to the 40.51-acre portion west of the Misty Acres Boulevard extension which is bordered to the west by I-25. This rezone would be to the higher density zoning of RM-12 (residential, multi-dwelling). The preliminary plan shows 21 multi-family lots with 305 family units on this portion. The applicant’s letter of intent states that these units will be attached single-family rental units or condo units.
The applicant held a neighborhood meeting in June with over 100 residents in attendance. Kylie Bagley, principal planner, Planning and Community Development Department, said neighbors raised concerns about traffic, landscaping, usable open space, water availability, and housing density. She said 98 adjacent neighbors had been notified ahead of the public hearings and the county had received opposition to the applications.
Craig Dossey of Vertex Consulting Services LLC and representing the applicant said they were bringing up a preliminary plan concurrent with a rezoning so everyone could see the detail of what is being proposed. He stated that the current zoning would allow a lot of different commercial uses on parts of the property. Referring to the northern portion, he said, “A developer could come in today, buy this property, and go build commercial without any approval from the Planning Commission or the Board of County Commissioners.”
During the public comment section of the hearing, six neighbors spoke in support, preferring to see residential developed rather than commercial.
Harold Larson, a Doewood Drive resident, said, “What I’m asking is for you to not back the developer into a corner where he has to go back to the original zoning, where he has to go back to putting commercial there.” He added, “Residential is what I want.”
Bruce Sidebotham, who owns property immediately to the south, said, “This plan brings it all together there in a way that I can live with and that I think supports the Gateway to Monument idea.”
Former Monument Town Council member Darcy Schoening described the proposals as “the best possible solution for this land.”
Twelve people spoke in opposition. While agreeing with those in favor that they did not want to see commercial development, some voiced concerns about the higher density RM-12 rezoning. Doewood Drive resident Robin Wright said his opposition was to the RM-12 rezoning and asked if the rezoning could be RS-6000 throughout.
The Town of Monument has submitted a resolution protesting the rezoning. It states that the development has minimal to no passive or active open space, would put a strain on the town’s Police Department, is detrimental to the preservation of the natural environment, and urges the Planning Commission and the El Paso Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to reconsider the proposal as a PUD.
Steve King, Monument mayor pro tem, spoke at the hearing to say a PUD application would have ensured community input. Monument Mayor Mitch LaKind voiced concerns about the town’s ability to adequately police the development and said the density was too much. Monument Town Councilmember Kenneth Kimple spoke by phone and said he was not against development but felt the RM-12 high density was not a necessity or need.
In rebuttal, Dossey said those who had spoken in favor were “immediate, adjacent owners telling you this is what’s right for the property.”
The vote to recommend the rezone to RS-6000 was 8-0. The vote to approve the higher density RM-12 zoning was tied 4-4 with Commissioners Jim Byers, Christopher Whitney, Tim Trowbridge, and Eric Moraes the nay votes due to compatibility concerns.
Byers said, “I didn’t hear a compelling justification for the density. I don’t believe it’s compatible with the existing condition.” Trowbridge commented that “the density doesn’t feel quite right.” Chair Tom Bailey said, “I think this would have been an improvement over what’s currently authorized by right.” The tied vote means this rezoning application goes to the BOCC with no recommendation.
The commissioners voted 5-3 to recommend the preliminary plan for approval. The nay votes were Moraes, Trowbridge, and Whitney. Whitney stated, “I’m not smart enough to get my mind around approving a plan that contains a major element with which I disagree.” Moraes and Trowbridge agreed.
The applications are now scheduled to be heard at the BOCC land use meeting on Dec. 12. If the preliminary plan is approved, final plats may be approved administratively.
Six lot development in Black Forest recommended for approval
At the Nov. 7 meeting, the commissioners heard a request by Wayne-Anthony Custom Homes for approval of a 35-acre final plat to create six single-family lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (residential rural) and is on Mariah Trail, about a mile south of Highway 404 and a mile west of Black Forest Road.
Two Elk Creek Ranch residents, whose property adjoins the proposed development, phoned into the meeting to comment on access and voice concerns that residents of the new development would have to use Elk Creek Ranch’s roads for access but would do so without having to abide by their covenants.
Commissioner Jeffrey Markewich asked for clarification on the ownership of the roads and was told they are public and maintained by the county. Commissioner Becky Fuller pointed out that covenants are not part of the review criteria.
The vote to recommend approval was unanimous. This is now scheduled to be heard at the BOCC land use meeting on Dec. 12.
The El Paso County Planning Commission normally meets the first and (as required) the third Thursday of each month at the Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, Colo. Springs. Meetings are live-streamed on the El Paso County News and Information Channel at Information is available at 719-520-6300 and
Helen Walklett can be reached at
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- El Paso County Planning Commission, June 6 and 20 – Planning commission recommend denial of Monument glamping site expansion (7/6/2024)
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- El Paso County Planning Commission, April 18 – Old Denver Road property requesting rezone to commercial (5/4/2024)
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- El Paso County Planning Commission, Feb. 1 – Positive feedback from county commissioners (3/2/2024)
- El Paso County Planning Commission, Jan. 4 and 18 – Black Forest subdivision recommended for approval (2/3/2024)