- Rate increase of $5 per month approved
- 2025 budget approved
- Manager’s report includes discussion with Buc-ee’s
By Jackie Burhans and James Howald
The Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board focused on its rates, fees, and the 2025 budget at its meeting in November. It held two public hearings: the first on its rates and fees and the second on its 2025 budget. The hearings were followed by votes on resolutions to raise its monthly rates and fees and to approve the budget and appropriate the funds needed.
In his manager’s report, District Manager Mark Parker told the board about a meeting he attended with representatives of Buc-ee’s, which is planning to build a travel center on property west of I-25 and south of County Line Road that is currently part of MSD’s service area.
Rate increase of $5 per month approved
Parker opened a public hearing on a new fees schedule that increases the monthly residential use fee from $40 to $45. The schedule also adds a $2 per month fee for customers who choose to receive a paper statement each month. The paper statement fee is intended to offset mailing costs.
The schedule also raises the commercial use fee to $45 per month for the first 5,000 gallons of wastewater generated. The commercial fee increases to $6.10 for each 1,000 gallons thereafter.
Residential customers will pay a $5 late fee on any outstanding balance after the 16th day of the month. Commercial customers will pay a 5% late fee.
Residential and commercial tap fees, which are paid once when new customers connect to the district’s infrastructure, remain unchanged in the new fee schedule.
Following the public hearing, at which there were no comments from the public, the board unanimously approved Resolution 11202024-2, which adopts the new fee schedule.
The board discussed the new fee schedule in detail at its previous meeting in October. That discussion is reported in the November issue of Our Community News here: https://wp.ocn.me/v24n11msd/.
2025 budget approved
There were no comments on the proposed 2025 budget at the public hearing that Parker opened, and the hearing was closed.
The 2025 budget included in the packet for the meeting projects total income for the district will be $2.998 million and total expenditures will be $2.889 million, leaving an ending fund balance of $1.730 million. Parker said the final budget reflected the concerns the board expressed when it discussed the budget at its October meeting.
The board voted unanimously to approve Resolution 11202024-1, which adopts the 2025 budget and appropriates funds as required.
The board’s detailed discussion of the 2025 budget is reported at the link above.
Manager’s report includes discussion with Buc-ee’s
In his manager’s report, Parker told the board that on Nov. 19 he participated in a meeting with engineers representing Buc-ee’s to discuss its plans for a travel center in the northeast corner of MSD’s service area. Parker said the district took no position on where the travel center obtains water. He said the center was estimated to produce 15,000 of wastewater daily and would require the installation of a grease interceptor. Parker said he expects to meet with representatives of Buc-ee’s monthly.
Parker said Buc-ee’s would pay one tap fee for the center and would also pay a plant investment fee for its impact on the Tri-Lakes Wastewater Treatment Facility (TLWWTF), which would process the center’s wastewater. Parker said the TLWWTF would need “major upgrades,” and new developments need to “pay their way.” A plant investment fee has never been charged in the past, he said, but the travel center would require the fee.
The TLWWTF is jointly owned and operated by the Town of Monument, the Town of Palmer Lake, and Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District. The Joint Use Committee (JUC) oversees the operation of the treatment facility. Each of the owners pays a portion of operating costs based on the amount of wastewater it generates. In the past, disagreements about allocating operating costs have been resolved in court.
Parker also mentioned that the travel center might require a lift station to be built. How El Paso County decides to develop Beacon Lite Road will impact the need for a lift station, Parker said. Parker explained that if Buc-ee’s wants MSD to run the lift station, then other district customers would need to be included. If Buc-ee’s wants the lift station to serve only their center, then the district will not take responsibility for its operation, Parker said
Later in his report, Parker asked the board to approve a 2025 budget for the JUC that includes a 5% pay increase for its employees and a cost-of-living adjustment that will cover a 13.5% increase in employee insurance cost. The board voted unanimously to approve the proposed budget.
Monument Sanitation District meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in the district conference room at 130 Second St., Monument. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Dec. 18. See https://MonumentSanitationDistrict.org. For a district service map, see https://MonumentSanitationDistrict.org/district-map. Information: 719-481-4886.
Jackie Burhans can be reached at jackieburhans@ocn.me. James Howald can be reached at jameshowald@ocn.me.
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