By Jackie Burhans
At its regular board meeting on Nov. 23, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) discussed an email from a resident who requested the board weigh in on the potential Buc-ee’s development at the southwest corner of I 25 and County Line Road. The board also heard director reports.
Buc-ee’s development opposition requested
President Brian Bush said he had exchanged emails with a resident who wanted the board to oppose the Buc-ee’s proposed development on the west side of I-25. Bush explained that the county seeks input from WIA on developments that are in or contiguous with Woodmoor. He did not think Palmer Lake was interested in WIA’s input. The resident claimed Palmer Lake was out of water taps, but Bush said this was false. He said Palmer Lake had a moratorium on sewer taps some time ago when a new sewer line was being installed.
Note: Palmer Lake passed resolution 2020-18 on Sept. 24, 2020, to impose a temporary moratorium on new water taps, which expired on Jan. 31, 2021. Palmer Lake also passed a land use moratorium by ordinance on Sept. 14, 2017, which it lifted in October of the same year.
Bush said he understood that the Monument Sanitation District agreed to provide sanitation service, but the developer still needs to find water. The Town of Monument and Woodmoor Water and Sanitation declined to provide water to the site, so the developer has to look to Palmer Lake.
Bill Normile, who arrived after the owner’s comment portion of the meeting, said he is a 30-year resident of Woodmoor and a longtime volunteer. He has talked to quite a few other people who ask why homeowners associations (HOAs) are not taking a stance, he said. Since WIA is one of the biggest HOAs and has a lot of constituents that would be impacted, including the high school, he asked that they do so. Vice President Peter Bille confirmed that Normile understood the Buc-ee’s is slated to go on the west side of I-25, south of County Line Road.
Bush noted that the developer who owns the area known as Monument Ridge West, the land proposed for Buc-ee’s, had proposed townhomes for this site. The same developer also owns the area known as Monument Ridge East (MRE) on the east side of I-25 and had submitted plans for residential development to the county. The developer is collaborating with an HOA adjacent to MRE to transition the density.
Bush said he did not object to sending a letter to Palmer Lake but noted it has merely agreed to look at the application and not annex the land. He advised the resident to attend the Palmer Lake Board of Trustees meeting on Dec.12. Normile noted that Buc-ee’s would host a community meeting at Palmer Lake Elementary School on Dec. 3 at 6 p.m.
Normile repeated his request that WIA write a letter opposing Buc-ee’s. Bille suggested that Normile had a misconception that WIA had a lot of pull, which it does not. Director of Public Safety Brad Gleason noted that WIA had opposed the treatment center on Woodmoor Drive and had significant safety concerns about allowing parking on the roadways in Woodmoor, but the county was indifferent to WIA’s recommendations. Bille said it would be more impactful if 200 people attended the meeting.
Normile said he expected a large crowd at the meeting but it would still be important for WIA to issue a statement. Bush asked each of the board members to email him their opinion on whether WIA should issue a statement. Bush said that if five board members say yes, he will do so.
Board highlights
- Bille reported that WIA has completed its transition from its former IT provider. Bush asked that a formal agreement be established with the new provider.
- Bush reported on behalf of Treasurer Pete Giusti that WIA should finish the year with a small surplus, and the board will decide where to allocate it.
- Board Secretary and Director of Community Outreach Rick DePaiva said more information would be coming out on the holiday lighting contest and noted that due to the recent three-day storm, the Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Organizations (NEPCO) meeting was moved to Dec. 14.
- HOA Administrator Denise Cagliaro noted that the December meeting will be on Dec. 18 due to holidays.
- Director of Covenant Control Sue Leggiero reported 25 total covenant-related items in October, with two resulting in covenant violations. She said no covenant hearings were scheduled in October or November, and none was anticipated for December. Bush asked for a summary of covenant violations for the year for the annual meeting report.
- Gleason reminded residents that WIA is not responsible for the public roads in Woodmoor. All roads are the county’s responsibility, including pavement, grading, repair, signage, and snow removal. Residents can call the El Paso County Department of Public Works (DPW) at 719-520-6460 or via the DPW Citizen Connect app or website at
- Director of Architectural Control Ed Miller reported 41 projects were submitted, 32 of them approved administratively, and nine approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Year to date, he noted a 2.6% decrease in projects submitted to the committee, with a total approval rate of 99.8%.
- Covenants and Forestry Administrator Justin Gates reported on behalf of Director of Forestry Thrush that there had been only six forestry and Firewise visits in October and that he expected to hear the results of the mitigation grant application in February or March. In response to Bush, he said he contacted The Country Club at Woodmoor monthly about their tree mitigation.
- Director of Common Areas Steve Cutler reported that the sprinkler system at The Barn was shut down and winterized on Oct. 22. Safety fencing has been installed at Toboggan Hill, and he asked that residents avoid the fenced area for their safety. He said four dog waste stations will be installed at The Preserve open space in South Woodmoor, and WIA will apply in 2025 for another noxious weed removal grant.
- Bush said the developer of the parcel of land north of the YMCA wanted to change some items in the Placer Covenant. He said he is trying to get a draft of those changes, which he will send to board members for an electronic vote. He did not think the changes would be contentious. The lot, he noted, is zoned commercial and will include a new fire station for the Monument Fire Department.
- The board unanimously authorized Gleason to decide whether to file a claim or cover the damage recently sustained to Woodmoor Public Safety’s Toyota Rav 4. Bush noted that there is a fairly significant deductible and that insurance rates are already high.
The WIA Board of Directors usually meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Barn at 1691 Woodmoor Drive, Monument. Due to the holiday, the next meeting will be held on Dec. 18.
The WIA calendar can be found at WIA board meeting minutes will be posted at
Jackie Burhans can be reached at
Other WIA articles
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Jan. 27 and 29 – Annual meeting and reorganization (3/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, May 24 – Board hears about new regulation regarding vegetable gardens (2/22/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Dec. 18 – Board confirms opposition to Buc-ee’s (1/4/2025)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Oct. 23 – Board approves budget, dues increase (11/2/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Sept. 25 – Board seeks community support for wildfire mitigation grant (10/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Aug 28 – Change to prairie dog elimination causes delay (9/7/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, July 24 – Board confirms plans to eradicate prairie dogs (8/3/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, June 26 – Board reminds residents of $5,000 fine for fireworks (7/6/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, May 22 – Board fills vacancy, explains approach to forestry (6/1/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, April 24 – Board member passes away (5/4/2024)
- Woodmoor Improvement Association, Feb. 28 and March 27 – Tri-Lakes Women’s Club donates defibrillator (4/6/2024)