- Property inclusions
- Pre-inclusion intergovernmental agreement
- Community risk assessments and standards of coverage
- Peak Alerts
- Chief’s report
- Facilities update
- Apparatus update
- Executive session
By Natalie Barszcz
At the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District dba Monument Fire District (MFD) meeting on Jan. 24, the board held a public meeting before approving five property inclusions, accepted two petitions for future inclusion, and approved a pre-inclusion intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Donald Wescott Fire Protection District (DWFPD). The board received multiple updates on facilities, apparatus, communications and personnel, and an overview of the recently compiled community risk assessments and standards of coverage document.
Between the DWFPD and MFD board meetings, a ceremony was held to promote engineers Brian Kirkpatrick, Adam Wakefield, and Charles Ragland to lieutenants. Ragland was unavailable to attend the ceremony. .

Director Tom Tharnish attended via Zoom.
Property inclusions
Fire Chief Andy Kovacs said the district received a list a couple of months ago from the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPCSO) identifying properties within the greater district boundaries but not officially within the district. The district informed each of the property owners via letter, asking if they would like to be included into the fire district. See www.ocn.me/v24n1.htm#mfd.
The board held a public hearing before approving the following five property inclusion resolutions:
- 2024-1 Parr property.
- 2024-2 Swenson property.
- 2024-3 Meisinger property.
- 2024-4 Baker property.
- 2024-5 Sperando property.
The board unanimously accepted the inclusions of property.
The board accepted petitions for inclusion of real property:
- Petitioner Gould—738 Forest View Way.
- Petitioner Thulin—4035 Deer Creek Valley Court.
The board is scheduled to hold a public hearing on these petitions on Feb. 28 at its regular meeting.
The board unanimously approved the petitions.
Pre-inclusion intergovernmental agreement
The board unanimously approved a pre-inclusion IGA with the DWFPD. See DWFPD article above.
Community risk assessments and standards of coverage
Kovacs introduced a presentation on the completed 120-page document on community risk assessments and standards of coverage compiled by the district Accreditation Manager Battalion Chief Scott Ridings. In the absence of Ridings, Division Chief of Community Risk and Reduction Jonathan Bradley presented an overview highlighting:
- A description of the community served and the fire and emergency services provided.
- A deployment and coverage area map showing four basic planning zones, the sub-divisions contained within each, and the different fire responses needed, dependent on fire hydrant availability.
- Community priorities, expectations, and performance goals.
- Call types by station, measured in minutes from Jan. 1, 2022 through Nov. 15, 2023.
- The district’s critical infrastructure, target hazards and methodology.
The “living” document is composed of 10 sections and gives the district a starting place to begin writing a self-assessment toward accreditation, said Bradley.
Kovacs said in each broad category there are multiple sections within, and Ridings will task administrative staff to begin working on those sections before the Peer Assessment Team visits in late 2024. The district is working toward achieving districtwide accreditation in spring 2025.
President Mike Smaldino thanked the executive staff for the document and said it was a heavy lift.
Peak Alerts
Kovacs said Genysas EVAC, formerly known as Zonehaven, has been implemented and is operational. The EPCSO purchased the application for countywide use. It enables responding agencies to communicate critical information collaboratively. Vital instructions can be disseminated to the public such as: evacuation notices or shelter in place requests during emergencies such as wildfires, floods, active shooter incidents, hurricanes, and more. Residents are encouraged to sign up to receive emergency information from Peak Alerts (notifications sent through software called Everbridge by public safety agencies in El Paso and Teller Counties). For more information, visit www.elpasoteller911.org or www.peakalerts.org.
Chief’s report
Kovacs congratulated Bradley and Battalion Chief Micah Coyle for receiving their chief fire officer credentials from the Center for Public Safety and Excellence and said the district now has four qualified out of only 1,300 nationwide to achieve the credential. He and Division Chief of Administration Jamey Bumgarner also hold the credentials.
The chief’s report includes activity for November and December 2023, and he highlighted the following:
- The annual awards ceremony had been moved to the first month of the year and occurred on Jan. 14. See photo inset of the Firefighter of the Year 2023.
- Lt. Curt Leonhardt is the new Fleet and Facilities lieutenant.
- Firefighter/Paramedic Dak Damour will leave the district for South Metro Fire Rescue, Centennial.
- The district added another recruit to make a total of 10 firefighter recruits enrolled in the Career Fire Academy that began in January. The district is looking forward to the result. Coyle and the firefighters select the recruits and seem to have the “knack” for choosing the right candidates.
- The district completed a total of 577 training hours in November and 593 training hours in December.
- Requests to the district from American Medical Response for assistance in Colorado Springs are trending down again with two calls per month for November and December
Note: The chief’s report and financial report can be found at www.monumentfire.org.
Facilities update
Kovacs said the remodel of Station 5 (Shamrock Station/Highway 83) was almost complete.
Bumgarner said the following:
- The remodel of Station 4 (Gleneagle Drive) is scheduled to begin Feb. 12. The crews will be accommodated at Station 5 during the remodel through August.
- An ambulance crew will remain at Station 4 during the remodel after a shower is installed on the opposite side of the station from the construction area. The shower installation is expected to take about four to five weeks.
- The future Station 3 rebuild design phase is underway with OZ Architects and John Sattler, vice president of NVS Program Management. The process is expected to take about six to nine months before the building phase begins. See www.ocn.me/v23n9.htm#mfd.
- The district must accomplish all the planning stages and purchase a site north and adjacent to the YMCA alongside Jackson Creek Parkway for the station rebuild.
- The district is moving forward with the development of the district training center on the 14 acres adjacent to Station 1. About a dozen soil samples are being gathered from around the property to determine the compaction of the terrain.
- Discussions continue with the Town of Monument regarding the appropriate zoning for the training facility.
Kovacs said emergency services are not affected by the moratorium on planning reviews that the Monument Town Council board approved, effective Jan. 4, 2024. See MTC article on page < 1 >.
Apparatus update
Bumgarner said the fourth ambulance had been received in the district and is expected to be placed into service within the next two to three weeks. The wildland group under Ridings’ supervision is readying the equipment for the Wildland Type 3 engine 541.
Firefighter/Paramedics AJ Armstrong and Robert Horne are using experience gained from wildland deployments on federal engines and “Hot Shot” crews to equip the engine. Engine 541 cost $379,732 without equipment and is expected to be fully equipped and placed into service in April or May.
Note: A ceremonial “push-in” event for the ambulance and wildland engine took place on Jan. 27 at Station 1. See Snapshot section on page < 17 >.
Executive session
The board moved into an executive session at 7:56 p.m. pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 24-6-402(4), (f) to review the fire chief’s annual performance.
Kovacs confirmed that no action was taken when the board returned to the regular session. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Station 1, 18650 Highway 105. For Zoom meeting instructions, agendas, minutes, and updates, visit www.monumentfire.org or contact Director of Administration Jennifer Martin at 719-484-9011.
Natalie Barszcz can be reached at nataliebarszcz@ocn.me.
Other Monument Fire District (MFD) articles
- Monument Fire District, Feb. 26 – Board meeting held after publication (3/1/2025)
- Monument Fire District, May 24 – Board director positions change; contractor hiring flexibility approved (2/23/2025)
- Monument Fire District, Jan. 22 – Wildfire Mitigation remains top priority (2/1/2025)
- Monument Fire District, June 28 – Board meeting held after publication (1/23/2025)
- Monument Fire District, Dec. 4 – Board approves administrative office lease agreement (1/4/2025)
- Monument Fire District, Oct. 8 and 23 – 2025 proposed budget presentations (11/2/2024)
- Monument Fire District, Sept. 25 – Meeting postponed due to lack of quorum (10/5/2024)
- Monument Fire District, Aug. 28 – District opposes ballot initiatives 50 and 108; station 3 design revised (9/7/2024)
- Monument Fire District, July 24 – Gas odor increases call volume; district recognized for supporting prescribed burn (8/3/2024)
- Monument Fire District, June 26 – Controlled burn successful; station rebuild design approved (7/6/2024)