- Automated external defibrillator given to WIA
- Toboggan Hill safety improvements
- Resident concerns
- Board highlights
By Jackie Burhans
The Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board met on Feb. 28 after the deadline for the March edition of OCN. At that meeting, the board heard about plans to increase safety at Toboggan Hill along with other director reports.
At the March 27 WIA board meeting, representatives from the Tri-Lakes Women’s Club (TLWC) gave an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the board. The board also heard concerns from a resident on the placement of a shed on a neighboring property.
Automated external defibrillator given to WIA
Carol Costakis, Jan McKinley, and Sue Leggiero from the Tri-Lakes Women’s Club told about their organization which has existed for over 50 years with a mission to do community service, grant making, and provide educational opportunities for its members and the community. TLWC has given out over $1 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, schools, and public service agencies. Most recently they have hosted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes. This was motivated by a personal experience where a member’s 37-year-old daughter-in-law collapsed and because of the fast work of people who knew CPR and had access to an AED saved her life.

TLWC decided it would offer classes and have trained over 75 members and their spouses in conjunction with Monument Fire District and UC Health. Costakis, McKinley and Leggiero noticed that The Barn did not have an AED and McKinley suggested that TLWC offer one to WIA, which approved the donation. TLWC does a lot of events at The Barn and feels it would be a great way to say thank you to WIA for having them and to give as a gift to the community.
Board President Brian Bush and Woodmoor Public Safety Chief Kevin Nielsen accepted the AED and its case, thanking the TLWC, noting that there are many events at The Barn that would benefit from this donation. McKinley suggested WIA notify the Monument Fire Department so that The Barn is listed as a location with an AED.
Toboggan Hill safety improvements
Noting that Toboggan Hill is a popular recreational sledding hill used by residents and others, Bush said the board decided to take some measures to increase safety. Caution signs have been placed on the hill, trees have been removed and orange fencing has been placed to block certain areas. The goal, he said, is to help sleds avoid contact with solid objects.
Resident concerns
Resident Jennifer Davis brought up two items that have been addressed by the Architectural Control Committee, but she wanted to make sure were brought to the attention of the board. First, she noted that a neighbor had been approved to build a shed, but Davis felt it was placed in an existing easement and wanted to have it addressed so it would not create a precedent. Davis also said that a neighbor had been doing a major house remodel for over a year and it was causing parking problems and tearing up a common area. She noted that the neighbor had been granted waivers to allow construction equipment on a trail without notification to nearby residents, and with extensions to their timeline.
Bush said the suggestion to notify affected neighbors when WIA grants a variance was very reasonable. He also noted that WIA has a restoration agreement that any damage will be rectified. He suggested Davis or her neighbors could call WPS for help with parking issues. As to the shed being in an easement, Bush said he isn’t certain that she is correct, but that he also didn’t think it was reasonable to ask someone to move a shed that had been approved for over a year by WIA. Bush said he would confirm the situation and let her know the result and what steps the board decides to take.
Board highlights
- Board member Steve Cutler announced that WIA staff received a noxious weed spraying grant which is needed primarily at the South Woodmoor Preserve common area. WIA is working with adjacent neighbors to ensure they also address noxious weeds.
- Board member Cindy Thrush noted that chipping days have been set for June 29-30 and July 27-28 at Lewis-Palmer High School. Chipping is free to residents and open to non-residents for a nominal fee.
- Bush reported that WIA would gather information from its sub-HOAs on dues and insurance status and bring it back so the board would have that information.
- Nielsen said that he has heard no reports of bears but it is spring and residents should keep trash cans, barbecue grills, and pet food inside a closed garage.
The WIA Board of Directors usually meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Barn at 1691 Woodmoor Drive, Monument. The next meeting will be on April 24.
The WIA calendar can be found at www.woodmoor.org/wia-calendar/. WIA board meeting minutes can be found at www.woodmoor.org/meeting-minutes/ once approved and posted.
Jackie Burhans can be reached at jackieburhans@ocn.me.
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