- May 8 – Merger update
- May 22 meeting
- Inaugural Pikes Peak Regional Training Academy
- Mitigation efforts underway/controlled burn plan
- New board members welcomed
- Station 3 rebuild update
- Station remodel updates
- Station 1 training center update
- Accreditation update
- Chief’s report
- Fleet updates
By Natalie Barszcz
The Monument Fire District (MFD) board held a special meeting on May 8 to approve the final property inclusion from Donald Wescott Fire Protection District (DWFPD). At the regular meeting on May 22, two firefighters were promoted to engineers before the meeting, and the board was introduced to the district’s nine graduates of the Pikes Peak Regional Fire Academy (PPRFA).
The board heard about the seasonal mitigation efforts and the planned control burn in Monument Preserve, received updates on the potential for additional district funding sources, and heard about other projects in progress. Former Wescott board Directors Mark Gunderman and Duane Garrett were welcomed by the board and staff.
President Mike Smaldino and Vice President John Hildebrandt attended via Zoom at the May 22 meeting.
Directors Randy Estes and Duane Garrett were excused from the May 22 meeting.
May 8 – Merger update
At the May 8 special meeting, the board held a public hearing pursuant to a published notice to consider proposed Resolution 2024-10 and to certify an order approving two properties for inclusion into the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District’s jurisdiction. The remaining real properties, identified in the assessor schedule numbers as 6132001022 and 6206304013, belong to the remaining two DWFPD board directors. There were no public comments made for or against during the public hearing.
The board unanimously approved the inclusion of property in a 5-0 vote.
The meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m.
May 22 meeting
At the May 22 regular meeting, Fire Chief Andy Kovacs said the merger process remains on target to meet the timeline. The Transfer of the Volunteer Firefighters Pension Fund to MFD will be reflected in the 2025 fiscal year. Wescott district attorney Emily Powell and MFD attorney Maureen Juran anticipate the conclusion of the consolidation of the districts in November 2024.
Inaugural Pikes Peak Regional Training Academy
Kovacs said the first PPRTA graduation ceremony took place on May 3 at the Woodmen Valley Church North and was made possible with a second-to-none collaboration between the district, Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, and Pikes Peak State College, and the college’s instructional cadre put together a great product. The recruits scored well during the state testing process, and some improvements will be made to future firefighter academies. Division Chief of Community Risk Jonathan Bradley and several others scrambled together the academy in short order last September to ensure a fire academy was available when other options were unavailable.
The 2025 hiring process is in discussion for budget development, and the hiring process will begin in June to establish an eligibility list in the event the district loses staff over the next year. The staff developed a great hiring process and are selecting fantastic individuals to join the organization, Kovacs said. See accompanying photo.
Mitigation efforts underway/controlled burn plan
Bradley said the 2024 chipping program had added more neighborhoods, and about 60 resident volunteers began chipping on May 11 in the areas adjacent to Monument Preserve. The district typically stacks double chipping days with two chippers, but due to a failure with one chipper, volunteers and chipping crew will return to complete the mitigation efforts in time for the U.S. Forest Service to begin the prescribed burn. Chipping events will continue every weekend throughout the combined district until Oct. 12.
Bradley laid out the plan and premise for the prescribed burn and said:
- The mitigation efforts on the west side of Monument in the area known as Monument Preserve will cumulate the efforts of residential mitigation and the mastication over the past three years with a three-day prescribed burn of up to 900 acres.
- The residents were involved in the planning and preparation for the event with the goal of removing the understory of the forest in Monument Preserve.
- U.S. Forest Service efforts removed a large amount of scrub oak and thinned the pine forest, but the scrub oak will continue to grow back until the prescribed burn removes the new growth. The result should create a healthy ponderosa pine forest.
- About 100 firefighters will be on-site during the burn planned by the U.S. Forest Service, and the burn could begin as early as June 10, weather permitting.
- The burn start point will be in the northeast section of Shiloh Pines and work back to Mount Herman Road on the first day. The burn will border Forest View Acres and Forest View Estates, but not Red Rocks Ranch.
Kovacs said he, Bradley, and the on-duty crew attended the annual Wildland Fire Preparation Workshop at Palmer Ridge High School. The turnout was lower than in recent years due to snow conditions, but it is always a good opportunity to educate the community on the dangers of wildland fire danger and preparedness, he said. See snapshot section on page 20.
New board members welcomed
Treasurer Tom Kelly welcomed former DWFPD Director Mark Gunderman. Gunderman said that ever since the merger journey several years ago, the organization has been moving in the right direction, and the department is aiming to be self-sufficient in a responsible way. He is glad the merger has worked out and the district is now taking part in a successful firefighter training academy. He appreciates the opportunity to serve on the MFD Board of Directors and hopes to continue long-term support for the district and the community.
Kovacs said he had worked closely with the Wescott board to consolidate the two districts and in the process an excellent working relationship had formed. He is excited that Gunderman and Garrett are joining the Board of Directors as representatives of the former Wescott community. Both directors will be able to provide vision, knowledge, expertise, and direction to the district in the future, he said.
Station 3 rebuild update
Kovacs said the staff is working closely with OZ Architects on the Station 3 design. A couple of directors sat in on the May 8 presentation from OZ Architects. Another presentation of the design is scheduled for the end of May to collectively decide on the final station design, the footprint, and what the station will look like on the parcel of land. After the plans have been submitted to the Town of Monument and approval is received, the district can proceed with the land purchase adjacent to and north of the YMCA.
Station remodel updates
Kovacs said a new concrete apron had been installed at the bay entrance of Station 4 (Gleneagle Drive) to replace the asphalt surface that is not designed for heavy apparatus. The crews co-located at Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD) Station 22 (Voyager Parkway) will return to the district at the end of May. When the remodel is complete, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be scheduled in September to showcase the updates to the community. The Station 2 (Rollercoaster Road) full remodel is ready to go to permitting and the remodel will begin in late September or October. All stations will have incredible working conditions for the firefighters by the end of 2025, Kovacs said, except for Station 3 that will be rebuilt in a new location.
Station 1 training center update
Kovacs said Chris Purdue, the civil engineer working on the development of the Station 1 Training Center site, planned to submit all the plans for the major PUD and plat to the Town of Monument by the end of May with the hope of securing approval by mid-August. Front Range Fire Apparatus is committed to a 2-acre parcel near Highway 105 and the Burlington Northern & Sante Fe rail track.
Accreditation update
Kovacs said Battalion Chief of Accreditation Scott Ridings attended training in Indiana as part of an accreditation team and in the process experienced an accreditation assessment of another fire department. The district is close to completing the over 200 competencies required before assessment. A mentor has been provided to the district to review documentation and ensure the district is meeting the expectations of the accreditation process, he said.
Chief’s report
Kovacs said:
- After testifying for the first time at the State Capitol on SB-194, a bill that will allow special districts, specifically fire districts, to collect impact fees and sales tax was passed. Twenty other special districts already have those rights in place, and now the bill has passed through state Legislature and is waiting for Gov. Jared Polis’ signature.
- Driver/operator training on the Type 3 Wildland engine is complete, and the apparatus is available to respond within the county, the state or for deployment throughout the Western United States.
- The district purchased a LUCAS device for about $21,000. The device delivers hands-free mechanical chest compressions, and budget permitting the district hopes to purchase a device for each ambulance in 2025.
- The district purchased a new drone recently that proved beneficial during a medical emergency response to a victim on the roof of the Eagle Rock Distribution Center that is under construction. The drone provides real time situational awareness with its camera, infrared capability, and a speaker to communicate with victims. Staff members are researching the types of items that could be dropped off during a rescue. In the case of a water rescue, the drone could drop off a flotation device before staff reach the victim via boat.
- The CSFD is creating an enterprise to provide ambulance service. The service will be a bonus for the Monument residents as the district maintains an in-kind resources mutual aid relationship with CSFD.
Fleet updates
Kovacs said Division Chief of Administration Jamey Bumgarner placed an order to replace the Wescott small water tender that will be budgeted for 2025, and said:
- The approved chassis for the Type 6 Brush Truck will be assembled in Boise, Idaho. The chassis was behind schedule, delaying construction of the apparatus. The build was originally quoted as six months but will take about 18-20 months with an expected delivery in 2025.
- The delivery of two Type 3 Engines ordered in 2023 is expected to take another two years.
- The ordered tower ladder truck is expected in October. The existing tower ladder will be held in reserve, and the Wescott tower ladder will be sold after the two ordered Type 3 engines are received.
- The districts purchased a UTV to replace an existing vehicle; the snow tracks have been removed for the season. The UTV will be in service for rescues in rough terrain areas.
The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Station 1, 18650 Highway 105. For Zoom joining instructions, agendas, minutes, and updates, visit www.monumentfire.org or contact Director of Administration Jennifer Martin at 719-484-9011.
Natalie Barszcz can be reached at nataliebarszcz@ocn.me.

Other fire district articles
- Monument Fire District, Jan. 22 – Wildfire Mitigation remains top priority (2/1/2025)
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Jan. 15: Board pursues study and citizen input to determine future (2/1/2025)
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, June 21 – Evacuation routes raise concern among residents (1/23/2025)
- Monument Fire District, June 28 – Board meeting held after publication (1/23/2025)
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Dec. 4 – 2025 budget approved; mill levy increases; ladder truck/apparatus for sale; overstaffing declared (1/4/2025)
- Monument Fire District, Dec. 4 – Board approves administrative office lease agreement (1/4/2025)
- Donald Wescott Fire Protection District, Dec. 5 – Board holds final meeting before district dissolves (1/4/2025)
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Nov. 2, 6, and 20 – Training officer terminated; firefighters request district merger; 2025 budget proposes mill levy increase (12/5/2024)
- Monument Fire District, Nov. 13 and 27 – 2025 budget approved; mill levy certified; wage schedule increases (12/5/2024)
- Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District, Oct. 16 – Deputy Chief resigns; board addresses handling of personnel matters; multiple issues require attention (11/2/2024)