- Recreation development and environmental impact
- Zoning hearing for new development with miniature golf courses
By Janet Sellers
The May 8 agenda of the Monument Planning Commission included a resolution for a final plat known as Willow Springs Ranch filing No. 2 and an ordinance for a planned unit development (PUD) known as Conexus Lost Island 2. Reports for communication and announcements with the commission and planning staff were also on the agenda. Public comments time was not on the posted agenda.
The commissioners’ main discussions were about the two development projects, Willow Springs Ranch final plat and Conexus Lost Island 2 PUD. Discussions highlighted the location, zoning, and surrounding land use of Willow Springs Ranch near Baptist Road and Forest Lakes Drive and the nearby roundabout, indicating the need for accommodating expected increases in traffic. Later, Ben Thurston presented the resolution for Conexus Lost Island 2 amusement park. The commissioners expressed concerns and supported the proposals, with some emphasizing the need to evaluate traffic studies and major evacuation routes, as well as respecting the small-town atmosphere of Monument.
Also at the meeting, speakers discussed various aspects of traffic management and infrastructure in Monument’s growing community, including the need for a traffic study to address evacuation routes and potential issues with roundabouts. The commissioners reviewed a proposed development plan for Willow Springs Ranch while other commissioners discussed a comprehensive review of mixed-use projects, especially of recent amusement park projects nearby in areas of Colorado Springs. The commissioners discussed proposals for a mixed-use development in a former industrial area and questioned the lack of design guidelines for a mixed-use development in a PUD. The discussion included respecting the need for the Town of Monument to preserve its small-town character feel throughout current growth possibilities.
Concerns arose regarding needed comprehensive traffic studies to be completed and understood before any building would begin, due to the expected increase in the traffic for locals coming and going as well as the traffic and its implied concerns regarding visitors to both the new home areas of the Willow Springs Ranch final plat and the new Conexus Lost Island 2 amusement sites, and for evacuation issues for all traffic, including local and interstate traffic of large trucks that must use the local streets in the case of severe weather complications.
The commissioners made a motion, unanimously approved, to recommend approval of Willow Springs Ranch if the proposed final plat conforms with the review and approval criteria as outlined in the town of Monument’s land development Code Section 8 2.0 2.260 with the condition that at the time of completion, the design of the future District 38 school at that area of Forest Lakes Drive will require conversion to a right in, right out travel ability if such intersection or access improvements are required. Also, the applicant, for the location entering the Willow Springs Metropolitan District, will be responsible for the design and construction of the road conversion. The proposed plat design preserves and conserves natural areas in vegetation. Group discussions for Willow Springs Ranch also included questions about the current validity of a previous traffic study and the potential need for new studies due to subsequent developments, zoning, and open space dedication.
Recreation development and environmental impact
The commission also heard an application sought for approval by the developer of the Conexus property along Beacon Lite Road for an amusement park, Lost Island 2, and development, including office, manufacturing, and commercial space.
The presenter said the proposed development provides for indoor and outdoor recreation activities not already in town. The commissioners said the developer bears the cost of needed public improvements and needed water conservation efforts to be put in place. Regarding land use and development in a residential area, clarification is needed for Santa Fe Trail alignment and prairie dog preservation. The commissioners questioned the PUD changes before the final plat vote and issues regarding the Connexus 14-acre property and zoning PUD issues for an outdoor recreation facility.
Zoning hearing for new development with miniature golf courses
The amusement park presenter detailed the site plan for the project, including shared access drives and parking, while the commissioners directed the applicant to provide safe and reasonable road improvements and that lighting for miniature golf courses and the architecture and design conform to open space and provide ample open space for circulation and recreation. The proposed amusement park could affect changes to the Santa Fe Trail and intersections, the neighboring properties, and privacy features.
Discussions ensued regarding clarity on the impact of new development on the small town of Monument, and the compatibility of a proposed recreation center with the natural surroundings of the area. The discussions examined traffic safety and the highway completion before businesses open, and related concerns about coordination of development and access for the existing community, overall traffic safety on Beacon Lite Road, and reviewed roundabout design factors. This discussion included concerns about the four-way stop at Old Denver Road and Second Street for temporary and long-term improvements.
A motion was made to recommend the Conexus/Lost Island 2 project for development, and it passed 6-0.
The Monument Planning Commission meets next at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, at the Monument Town Hall Board Room, 645 Beacon Lite Rd., Monument, and usually meets the second Wednesday of each month. To see the options for remote public participation in each meeting, visit https://townofmonument.org/263/Planning-Commission-Board-of-Adjustment. Info: 719-884-8028. https://townofmonument.org.
Janet Sellers can be reached at JanetSellers@ocn.me.

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