- Alta ribbon-cutting, June 26
- Concert in the Park, June 26
- Palmer Lake Fun Run, July 4
- Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, July 4
- Monument Children’s Parade, July 4
- Monument Parade, July 4
- Monument Street Fair, July 4
- Hazel Miller at TLCA, July 19
- Car show at JCSL, July 27
Alta ribbon-cutting, June 26

Concert in the Park, June 26

Palmer Lake Fun Run, July 4
On a brisk July 4 morning, over 500 runners participated in person and over 200 virtually in the 42nd annual Palmer Lake Fourth of July Fun Run. The 4-mile race from Palmer Lake to Monument on the Santa Fe Trail traditionally starts the Fourth of July activities in the Tri-Lakes area. Race Coordinator Kelsey Belcher thanked “the volunteers and communities of Palmer Lake and Monument for their continuing support of the race.” She also extended “special thanks to the Palmer Lake Police Department, Storm Guard Construction, a decades-long supporter of the race, Bluestaq, and other vendors who make this race possible with their support.” Proceeds from this 100% volunteer-supported race go directly to the Palmer Lake Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization to distribute for classroom and teachers’ needs. Dillon Powell (19:20:52) and Aubrey Surage (23:26:97), both from Colorado Springs, were the top male and female finishers by chip time. Surage has been the top female finisher for three years in a row. Photos by David Futey.

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, July 4
Knights of Columbus Council 11514 of St. Peter Church hosted its annual Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast. Past Grand Knight Alan Feldkamp said, “1,400-1,500 were expected to attend with over 10,000 pancakes being made by Knights volunteers.” Feldkamp said proceeds from the breakfast go toward “Tri-Lakes Cares, Marion House, Lewis Palmer D-38 School District disabled students, Catholic Charities, and other charities supported by the Knights.” Volunteers from the Monument Hill Kiwanis, Veterans of Foreign Wars, St. Peter students, and Boy Scout Troop 17 assisted in making the event a success. Active-duty military and first responders in uniform ate for free. Photos by David Futey.

Monument Children’s Parade, July 4

The Monument 4th of July parade started with the traditional kids parade. (14 sec)
Monument Parade, July 4

The Fourth Infantry Division Band from Fort Carson marched in Monument’s 4th of July parade (10 sec)

The Palmer Ridge High School BearBotics Robotics team took part in the Monument 4th of July parade (9 sec)

Monument Street Fair, July 4

Hazel Miller at TLCA, July 19

Car show at JCSL, July 27

Other Snapshots of Our Community articles
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- Snapshots of Our Community (2/21/2025)
- Snapshots of Our Community (2/1/2025)
- Snapshots of Our Community (1/23/2025)
- Snapshots of Our Community (1/4/2025)
- Snapshots of Our Community (12/5/2024)
- Snapshots of Our Community (11/2/2024)
- Snapshots of Our Community (10/5/2024)
- Snapshots of Our Community (9/7/2024)
- Snapshots of Our Community (7/6/2024)