By Jackie Burhans
The Monument Academy (MA) board held one regular meeting and two special meetings in August. At its regular meeting on Aug. 8, the board discussed non-legal name changes, reviewed a proposed library policy, and accepted a board resignation. At its online special meeting on Aug. 16, the board met to discuss its charter contract with D38, which was subsequently approved by the district at its Aug. 29 meeting. See D38 board article on page < 12 >.
Finally, at its online special meeting on Aug. 29, the board authorized President Ryan Graham to execute documents related to acquisition of property next to its West Campus to be used for a parking lot.
Non-legal name change
Graham noted that MA must comply with recently passed legislation he disagrees with, known as HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes. He noted that section five says that a local education provider shall implement a written policy outlining how [it] will honor a student’s request to use a chosen name and may include a process for including [that] on school records while complying with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.
The law defines “chosen name” as any name that a student requests to be known as that differs from the student’s legal name to reflect the student’s gender identity. Graham said that MA’s policy, JNR-MA Non-Legal Name Change for Students, would ensure that parents are included. The corresponding regulation, JNR-R, lays out the procedure for appealing to the executive director should the name change be denied and includes a notice of nondiscrimination.
Executive Director Colin Vinchattle said he had communicated with the administrative team regarding this policy and that the regulation would be included in the student handbook so families would have access. Board member Matt Ross noted that the policy limited name changes to once per semester and required that students have the mental capacity and intent to forgo their legal name. Vinchattle said School District 11 had had an enormous number of name changes that impacted staff and that any concerns about capacity would require communication with the legal team.
The board unanimously approved these new policies, which can be found on the MA website at Read the House bill at
Library policy
Board member Karen Hoida led the discussion of the new policy KECL Library Materials Parental Review, noting that a draft was in the board packet. The policy briefly outlines the process for reviewing library materials if a parent or legal guardian of a current MA student has an objection or concern. She said the librarian would make a review form available.
Materials would be removed from shelves or blocked while under review by a Library Review Committee (LRC). The LRC would consist of three parents or legal guardians of a current student (excluding board members) and serve a two-year term. One teacher of the appropriate grade level and one appointed administration member would also serve on the committee. The LRC would report to the board.
Parents and legal guardians may submit no more than three requests for review; after a book is reviewed, it will not be reviewed again for five years. The MA board also reserves the right to exclude books, magazines, or other papers they deem inappropriate.
Graham asked the board to take time to review the policy, send comments to Vinchattle, and be prepared to take action at the September meeting.
Board meeting highlights include:
- Board member Emily Belisle resigned because her family is moving out of state. She thanked the board, staff, teachers, and parents, saying that representing them was an honor. The board unanimously agreed to run as a six-member board rather than replace Belisle and reorganized its board duties and committee memberships.
- The board unanimously approved the East and West Campus Student/Parent Handbooks with minor edits to the bullying policy and parent communication.
- The board approved the Athletic Handbook for Middle School and High School.
- Vinchattle reported that Operations Manager Jake Dicus had recommended purchase of wireless microphones, an easily managed video recorder, and a visual board per the approved budget.
- Vinchattle led a discussion about the new position of major gifts officer, noting the pros and cons of incentive-based, salaried, or hybrid compensation models. The position would report to the Dicus, as they both work on fundraising. The board asked Vinchattle to return with a tiered approach to compensation and a detailed description of the job duties to be voted on at the September meeting.
- The board set its board retreat and meeting dates for fiscal year 24-25, maintaining the second Thursday of each month with some exceptions for conflicts and holidays.
- After an executive session on Aug. 8, the board unanimously voted to replace its security training partnership with FASTER Colorado from Able Shepherd.
The MA School Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.
The next regular board meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the East Campus. For more information, visit
Jackie Burhans can be reached at
Other Monument Academy articles
- Monument Academy School Board, Feb. 13 – Board expresses interest in Grace Best building (3/1/2025)
- MA School Board, May 11, 25 – MA addresses gender issues, budgets (2/23/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Jan. 6 and 9 – Board hears bond refinancing, action plan (2/1/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, June 8 – Board reorganizes, hears legislative (1/23/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Dec. 17 – Board hears academic dashboard report (1/4/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Nov. 18 and 21 – Board responds to organization audit (12/5/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, Oct. 17 and 24 – Board hears financial audit, improvement plan, internal review (11/2/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, Sept. 12 – Board discusses parental review of library materials, adopts management system (10/5/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, July 11 – Board resolution related to Title IX (8/3/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, June 13 – Board members sworn in, budget re-adopted (7/6/2024)