- Contract with Merrick updated for next phase
- Next steps
- Public hearing on budget scheduled
- Executive session
By James Howald
In August, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA, or the Loop) board met to amend its contract with Merrick and Co., the company which provides the Loop with project planning and workflow management. John Kuosman, a water practice leader with Merrick and Co. who serves as the Loop’s liaison with Merrick, gave the board a progress report. The board scheduled a public hearing on its budget. The meeting ended with an executive session after which no action was taken.
Contract with Merrick updated for next phase
Loop board President Jessie Shaffer asked the board to approve an amended contract with Merrick that had been reviewed by Spencer Fane, the Loop’s legal advisors.
Kuosman told the board that its current contract with Merrick focused on the first phase of the project: creating a water authority and embodying the commitments of participating districts in legal agreements. Now the project is moving to its next phase, he said, and its contract needed to be amended to address land acquisition processes, preliminary design issues, and the development of an operations model. Kuosman said his job was to work with the Loop authority and the hired consultant community to move the project forward. “Our job is to be the extension staff to execute that work,” he said.
Kuosman said he planned to schedule a workshop with the Loop board and the Special District Association of Colorado (SDAOC) in September. The SDAOC serves the interests of special districts in Colorado by assisting them with research, communication legislative input, and administrative support.
The board discussed updating its contract with Merrick at length at its previous meeting in July. That meeting was reported in the August issue of OCN here: https://wp.ocn.me/v24n8loop/.
The board voted unanimously to approve the amended contract.
Next steps
Kuosman told the board that he was discussing water quality testing with JVA Inc., the company the Loop has hired to design the water treatment portion of the project.
Kuosman said he had scheduled a meeting with EPCOR, a company that invests in infrastructure projects. EPCOR’s perspective on the funding options for the Loop would be available to the board before its meeting with SDAOC in September.
Kuosman told the board he met with Vidler Water, a private-sector water resource company that develops water supplies in areas where water is scarce, and was continuing his discussion with Jenny Bishop of Colorado Springs Utilities concerning ways that it could partner with the Loop.
Public hearing on budget scheduled
The board voted to schedule a public hearing on its 2025 budget for Nov. 21.
Executive session
The meeting ended with an executive session to receive legal advice from the Loop’s attorney and to discuss negotiating positions concerning the Sundance pipeline owned by the Cherokee Metropolitan District. No votes were taken after the executive session.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19 at 9 a.m. Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Monument Town Hall at 645 Beacon Lite Road. Workshop meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Cherokee Metropolitan District offices at 6250 Palmer Park Blvd., Colorado Springs. Please see loopwater.org or call 719-488-3603 to verify meeting times and locations.
James Howald can be reached at jameshowald@ocn.me.
Other Loop Water Authority articles
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- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, May 18 – Water quality tests look promising (2/22/2025)
- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Jan. 16 – Board moves forward with RFP for water treatment design (2/1/2025)
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- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Dec. 19 – Cherokee Metro District withdraws from Loop project (1/4/2025)
- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Nov. 21 – Board approves 2025 budget (12/5/2024)
- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Oct. 17 – Board hears financial reports (11/2/2024)
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- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, July 18 – Board considers new roles for Merrick and Co. (8/3/2024)
- El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, June 20 – Board pursues easements (7/6/2024)