By Jackie Burhans and James Howald
In August, the Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board met to discuss moving to a four-day work week and to hear an operational report from District Manager Mark Parker.
Four-day work week recommended
Parker told the board the MSD office typically receives only one or two calls on Friday, and he recommended transitioning to a four-day work week, with the office open Monday through Thursday. The office phone is programmed to ring forward to his cell phone, Parker said, so emergencies and requests to locate utilities would still be dealt with quickly. A four-day work week would save the district a little bit of money. Parker pointed out that Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Mountain View Electric Association, and Black Hills Energy all used four-day weeks.
The consensus of the board was that, starting Sept.1, the MSD office would be open from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and closed on Fridays.
Manager’s report
In his manager’s report, Parker updated the board on the progress that had been made bringing the district’s website into compliance with the requirements of HB 21-1110 and with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Streamline, the company hired to update the webpage, had a new version online. Initially the plan was for the new page to use the same URL as the old page, but it was decided to use a new URL for the updated page, which can be found at The old page will be set to forward users on to the new page for 90 days, Parker said, and then the old page will be deleted.
Parker said that the decision to move to a local accounting company, which he announced at the previous board meeting, had to be reversed because the local company was not able to meet MSD’s requirements. Haynie & Co. will continue as MSD’s accounting company, Parker said.
Monument Sanitation District meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in the district conference room at 130 Second St., Monument. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Sept. 18. See For a district service map, see Information: 719-481-4886.
Jackie Burhans can be reached at James Howald can be reached at
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