- Developer requests supplemental water
- September meeting rescheduled
- Operational reports
- Executive session
By James Howald
In August, the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board met to review a request for supplemental water service from the developers of the Waterside subdivision. The board rescheduled its September meeting and heard operational reports. The meeting ended with an executive session, after which a vote was taken.
Developer requests supplemental water
District Manager Jessie Shaffer told the board that Lake Woodmoor Holdings LLC, the developers of the Waterside subdivision, had requested a supplemental water service agreement from the district.
According to materials provided in the meeting packet, the Waterside subdivision is a proposed 7.5-acre development at the intersection of Woodmoor Drive and Deer Creek Road, across from Lewis-Palmer Middle School. The developer plans to build four single-family homes and 40 multi-family homes on the property.
The Supplemental Water Service Agreement included in the packet explains that the developer is requesting a total of 12.2 acre-feet of water per year for the planned development. The default water service provided by WWSD is 0.5 acre-feet of water per acre of land, in this case, 3.76 acre-feet. The supplemental water service requested amounts to 8.42 acre-feet per year. 7.5 acre-feet per year will be provided at the Tier 2 price of $29,000 per acre-foot and 0.891 acre-feet will be provided at the Tier 3 price of $43,500 per acre-foot. The total cost of the supplemental water requested is $257,157 annually.
Shaffer said he wanted to discuss the request with the board in executive session and asked to have the request tabled until that discussion had taken place.
September meeting rescheduled
The board rescheduled its September meeting from Sept. 9 to Sept. 16 to allow board members to attend the Special District Association of Colorado conference.
Operational reports
- Board President Brian Bush, on behalf of board Treasurer Roy Martinez, said water sales to date were less than the budgeted amount. Tap fees were higher than expected and interest income remains high due to high interest rates.
- Cultivation of native grasses at the Woodmoor Ranch, required by the conversion of the ranch’s water rights from agricultural to municipal uses, is continuing. The revegetation effort is expected to be complete by 2025, according to Shaffer.
- Operations Supervisor Dan LaFontaine told the board the effluent meter at the South Water Treatment Plant was inaccurate and he was working to find a company to test it.
- Shaffer said that JVA Inc. was analyzing data from a sewer capacity study so that any capacity issues can be addressed.
- Shaffer told the board that Cydney Saelens had accepted an offer to serve as the district engineer, replacing Ariel Hacker, who had accepted a job with a state agency.
Executive session
The meeting ended with an executive session to discuss negotiating positions regarding the district’s participation in the Loop water reuse project and discussions with Classic Homes. Following the executive session, the board voted to appoint Bush as the director responsible for representing the district in negotiations between member agencies of the Loop.
The next meeting has been moved to Sept. 16 at 1 p.m. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at the district office at 1845 Woodmoor Drive; the September meeting is delayed by a week. Please see www.woodmoorwater.com or call 719-488-2525 to verify meeting times and locations.
James Howald can be reached at jameshowald@ocn.me.
Other Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District articles
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 10 – Pipeline maintenance contract awarded (3/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, May 8 – Board reorganized; request for supplemental water considered (2/23/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Jan. 13 – Board prepares for election, passes administrative resolution (2/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 12 – Audit shows good financial health, Lori Akers retires (1/23/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Dec. 16 – Board wraps up rate increases and 2025 budget, swaps water discount for land (1/4/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 11 – Board considers rate increase (12/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Oct. 14 – Board considers ways to fund Loop (11/2/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Sept. 16 – Board hears financial and operational report (10/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, July 15 – Contract for pipeline construction awarded (8/3/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 10 – Residents question development and water availability (7/6/2024)