By James Howald
At its December meeting, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA, or the Loop) board considered a request from the Cherokee Metropolitan District (CMD) to withdraw from the project. The Town of Monument (TOM) asked the board to provide a report modeling operational issues to the town’s consultants. The board also heard a progress report from John Kuosman, a water practice leader with Merrick and Co., who serves as the Loop’s Workflow Manager, and a financial report from Kathy Fromm, of Fromm and Co., the Loop’s accountant.
CMD withdraws
Kevin Brown asked the board to consider CMD’s request to withdraw from the project and to waive the requirement to notify the board 180 days in advance of intention to withdraw. Brown is the interim general manager of CMD and serves as the treasurer on the Loop board. The CMD service area is southeast of Colorado Springs and serves about 40,000 customers at Schriever Space Force Base, Cimarron Hills and Meridian Ranch. CMD is one of four water districts participating in the Loop—Donala Water and Sanitation District, the Town of Monument and Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District are the other three.
Brown said the decision to withdraw after three years of participation was a difficult one. He said CMD’s need to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (known as PFAS or “forever chemicals”) and its aging infrastructure took precedence over the renewable water resources the Loop will provide. Brown said CMD has other renewable water resources in the Black Squirrel Creek basin.
CMD operates the Sundance Pipeline, which the Loop plans to use as a portion of the pipeline required to convey water from Fountain Creek to customers in northern El Paso County. Brown said the Sundance Pipeline would continue to be available to the Loop.
Nicole R. Peykov, the Loop’s attorney, said the 180-day notice to withdraw rule could be waived by a vote of the board. Loop board President Jessie Shaffer moved to accept CMD’s request to withdraw, with the stipulation that CMD document its intention to collaborate with the Loop in the future. The board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
Town of Monument requests report
Tom Tharnish, who represents the Town of Monument on the Loop board and serves as Monument’s director of Public Works, asked the Loop board to provide a report written by BBA Water Consultants Inc. to consultants employed by Monument. The report models the operation of the Loop. Tharnish said Monument’s consultants would use the report to evaluate the town’s participation in the Loop. The board voted to provide the report as Tharnish requested.
Progress report
Kuosman told the board he was focused on coordinating the design of the water treatment facility that will be required by the Loop. He said the engineering community is asking for information about the history and background of the Loop; he asked the board to authorize him to release technical information to potential consultants as part of the Request for Proposal process. The board could take time to evaluate his request, he said.
Financial report
Fromm told the board it had $28,000 in outstanding invoices for November. The invoices included the cost of the recent audit, she said. Overall, the Loop is at 30% of its budget for 2024, Fromm said. The board voted to accept her financial report.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Jan. 16 at 9 a.m. Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Monument Town Hall at 645 Beacon Lite Road. Workshop meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Monument Town Hall. Please see or call 719-488-3603 to verify meeting times and locations.
James Howald can be reached at
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