- Four seats up for election
- Administrative resolution
- Financial report
- Manager’s report
- Operational report
- Engineering report
- Executive session
By James Howald
At its January meeting, the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board passed two resolutions: the first regarding an upcoming election for board members and the second covering administrative issues. The board heard financial and operational reports. The meeting ended with an executive session.
Four seats up for election
District lawyer Erin Smith asked the board to consider Resolution 25-02, which calls for a regular election to be held on May 6.
Smith said four seats will be up for election in May. The four-year terms of Directors Daniel Beley, Bill Clewe, and Tom Roddam are expiring and board President Brian Bush’s two-year term will also expire. Bush’s term is two years because he was appointed, Smith said.
Friday, Feb. 28 is the deadline for self-nomination, Smith explained. Nomination forms can be obtained from the district’s Office Manager Cory Lynch. Once a candidate completes the nomination form, they must send it to the election’s Designated Election Official Mandi Kirk, of Maynes, Bradford, Shipps & Sheftel LLC. Kirk’s address is Mandi Kirk, 600 17th St., Ste. 2150S, Denver, CO 80202. Her email address is MKirk@mbssllp.com. Kirk’s phone number is (303) 292-6400. Nomination forms must be witnessed by a valid Colorado elector, Smith said.
The Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Dr., will be the polling place and votes can be cast between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on May 6.
The board voted unanimously in favor of the resolution.
Administrative resolution
The board unanimously approved an annual administrative resolution that specifies compliance requirements and defines the rules by which the district will operate, including:
- An accurate map of the district’s service area will be prepared.
- The timeline by which the district budget will be prepared, submitted to the state and possibly amended.
- The Tri-Lakes Tribune or The Gazette will be the newspapers of general circulation for publication of legal notices.
- Meeting notices will be posted on the district’s website at https://www.woodmoorwater.com and at the district’s offices at 1845 Woodmoor Dr., Monument.
- Meetings will be held on the second Monday of every month at the district’s offices.
Financial report
Treasurer Roy Martinez told the board the financial report for January was a draft because some invoices from 2024 are still outstanding. Water sales were 102% of the budgeted amount and wastewater expenses were close to the estimate.
The board voted to approve Martinez’s report.
Manager’s report
District Manager Jessie Shaffer told the board that Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) was leading a study of indirect potable reuse (IPR). IPR systems direct treated wastewater through an environmental buffer, such as a lake or river, before it is delivered to customers for consumption. CSU has asked neighboring water districts to participate in its study, Shaffer said. He said CSU’s approach was like the Loop’s, but on a larger scale. Shaffer said WWSD would benefit from participating in the study because CSU’s plan includes use of the Chilcott Ditch, in which WWSD is a major shareholder and participation could open the door to other partnerships with CSU, possibly giving the district access to CSU’s water supply.
Shaffer also updated the board on the progress of the Loop’s water re-use project. He said the Loop was preparing a request for proposal that will go to consulting and engineering firms asking them to design water treatment facilities that will bring Fountain Creek water to drinking water standards and to pilot test their designs. He said that the Loop was continuing to work with the Cherokee Metropolitan District (CMD) even though CMD had decided to withdraw from the Loop. The Loop and CMD were discussing the future of the Sundance pipeline, which is owned by CMD, and whether the Loop would access the pipeline, buy it from CMD, or move to a different option to convey its water, Shaffer said. He emphasized that the Loop and CMD were still on good terms despite CMD’s withdrawal.
Operational report
Operations Superintendent Dan LaFontaine reported two shears, or pipe breaks, in December.
He discussed how WWSD is working to meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s requirements for monitoring PFAS chemicals and lithium. He reported that currently the water WWSD delivers to its customers has undetectable levels of PFAS. The standard for lithium is unclear, he said, since the agency has not defined a minimum contaminant level for it. Board President Brian Bush said the rules for PFAS and lithium may change with Donald Trump as president. Bush also pointed out that WWSD’s PFAS levels will likely increase after it begins receiving water for the Loop.
In response to a comment from Roddam, LaFontaine updated the board on the district’s efforts to prevent cyberattacks on its facilities. He said new security software had been implemented in 2024. The district’s treatment plants are not connected to the internet, he said, and anyone trying to sabotage their operations would have to be physically present at the plants.
Engineering report
District Engineer Cydney Saelens gave a status report on the projects she is working on.
She said two bids to rehabilitate the district’s main lift station had been much higher than expected. She said she would discuss the bids with JVA Inc., the engineering company that provided consulting on the project. Shaffer said the bid might be resubmitted or the project redesigned.
Saelens said the district’s new Dawson aquifer well was yielding over 40 gallons per minute.
Executive session
The meeting ended with an executive session to determine negotiating positions and to confer with legal counsel on potential agreements with the Loop.
No actions were taken following the executive session.
The next meeting is on Feb. 10 at 1 p.m. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at the district office at 1845 Woodmoor Drive. Please see www.woodmoorwater.com or call 719-488-2525 to verify meeting times and locations.
James Howald can be reached at jameshowald@ocn.me.
Other Woodmoor Water and Sanitation articles
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 10 – Pipeline maintenance contract awarded (3/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, May 8 – Board reorganized; request for supplemental water considered (2/23/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 12 – Audit shows good financial health, Lori Akers retires (1/23/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Dec. 16 – Board wraps up rate increases and 2025 budget, swaps water discount for land (1/4/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 11 – Board considers rate increase (12/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Oct. 14 – Board considers ways to fund Loop (11/2/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Sept. 16 – Board hears financial and operational report (10/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Aug. 12 – Board considers supplemental water for Waterside subdivision (9/7/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, July 15 – Contract for pipeline construction awarded (8/3/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 10 – Residents question development and water availability (7/6/2024)