By Janet Sellers
On Feb. 12, the Monument Planning Commission rescheduled the review the construction of a retaining wall and storm sewer bypass of the Triview Promontory Point Water Tank Project on Higby Road. The wall, outside the project’s property line, raises concerns about property use and coordination. The board debated its authority to approve the wall, concluding it lacked jurisdiction. It also reviewed roadway standards, noting a 24-foot width for the project compared to 20-22 feet in other developments.
Despite supporting the project’s design, the commission voted to deny the appeal for the retaining wall, citing lack of authority and concerns about erosion control. The planning director will continue working with the developer and town staff to find a path forward on the Higby Road right-of-way improvements. The Planning Commission will have further discussions with the Town Council regarding the road width standards and criteria. This portion of the meeting concluded with a decision to adjourn for 10 minutes and reconvene later that evening.
The Planning Commission reconvened the meeting and addressed several key projects. The Connexus Lot 2 proposal by Meritage Homes was approved for recommendation to the town, reducing density to 6.9 units per acre from 10, with 158 lots and amenities. The Baja Terrazzo commercial development, reducing from 25 to nine lots with individual stormwater ponds for each lot, was also approved for recommendation to the Town Council. The Monument Marketplace North Lot 2 final Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Dairy Queen and Subway was approved for recommendation to the Town Council, with conditions for landscaping and traffic impact.
The meeting also focused on approving a new zoning map, which is now accessible online and includes clickable features for detailed property information. Significant changes from 2024 to 2025 include a rezoning of a single-family home to commercial business. The map will be updated throughout the year, and a header indicating changes from the previous year will be added. The Comprehensive Plan update will begin on March 3, with community engagement sessions planned. Additionally, the stormwater management plan and a development impact fee study are underway. The meeting concluded at 8:44 p.m.
The Monument Planning Commission advises the Town Council on land use and development issues. The commission’s recommendations are based on local and state laws, zoning, and municipal codes. The Planning Commission usually meets on the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for March 12. For further information on Planning Commission meetings, please visit or contact 719-884-8028. A recording with a transcript of the meeting is also available.
Janet Sellers can be reached at

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