By Natalie Barszcz
The Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) board held a special meeting on Feb. 11 to approve an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) and Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) for construction cost sharing for the Northern Monument Creek Interceptor (NMCI) pipeline project. The board held an executive session to discuss negotiations regarding a utility service as it relates to the Conexus Business Center Phase 2 and 3 (located west of I-25).
Cost-sharing IGA approved
District Manager James McGrady requested the board review and consider approving Resolution 2025-02, a resolution of the TMD board to approve an IGA with CSU and FLMD for construction cost sharing for the NMCI, and authorization for the district manager to sign.
Background: CSU began exploring the possibility of the NMCI pipeline in 2019 to increase wastewater flows through the J.D. Phillips Water Resource Recovery Facility (JDPWRRF) located near the intersection of Mark Dabling Boulevard and Garden of the Gods Road in Colorado Springs. The result would transport TMD and FLMD wastewater flows for processing to the CSU-owned facility and allow CSU to remove about three or four lift stations on the east side of I-25, completing a gravity-fed system with increased flows into an underutilized facility.
A study was conducted to compare the cost of anticipated regulatory upgrades and the future operational costs of the Upper Monument Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (UMCRWWTF) to participation in the NMCI pipeline project. McGrady confirmed to this reporter that the 2-year-old data for the shared cost for the upgrades would likely range anywhere from $20 million to $40 million. However, the estimate did not include any expansion capacity at the plant for additional flows that TMD could potentially need in the future. The UMCRWWTF is shared with Donala Water and Sanitation District, TMD, and FLMD.
McGrady said CSU, TMD, and FLMD had been working on the NMCI pipeline project since 2019, and at the 30% design level the estimated cost is about $92.8 million, with 35.9 % of the cost shared between TMD and FLMD. The IGA allows the process to move forward to the 90% design level, but Garney Construction estimated the design is about 50% complete with the inclusion of the soil sampling. The guaranteed maximum price will be established upon completion of the 90% design phase.
TMD will use utility bonds, and through a reimbursement agreement collect FLMD’s annual cost. The estimated annual cost for TMD and FLMD combined is about $2.3 million from 2028 through 2055, with FLMD contributing about $500,000 annually. The final cost is expected to be revealed around October, in time for the 2026 budget. Funding for the 90% design phase component was appropriated in the 2025 budget, said McGrady. See the FLMD article on page < 10 >.
The board unanimously approved Resolution 2025-02.
Executive session
The board moved into an executive session at 6:03 p.m., pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) section 24-6-402(4)(e), to discuss negotiations regarding utility service to Conexus phases 2 and 3.
McGrady confirmed to this reporter that no action was taken after the meeting returned to the regular session, and then the board promptly adjourned.
Meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of the month at the district office at 16055 Old Forest Point, Suite 302. A special meeting is scheduled for March 3 at 5:30 p.m. to formulate the ballot language for the Higby Road bond question and conduct the regular February business. For information on the Higby Road Improvement Project, visit: The regular meeting is scheduled for March 20 at 5:30 p.m. For meeting agendas, minutes, and updates, visit
Natalie Barszcz can be reached at
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