El Paso County Planning Commission, July 6 – Request to split Woodmoor property into four lots recommended for approval
- Woodmoor property replat recommended for approval
- Vessey Road minor subdivision
- Terra Ridge North final plat
- Winsome final plat
By Marlene Brown and Helen Walklett
At the July 6 meeting, the El Paso County Planning Commission heard a replat application to return a single lot property in Woodmoor to four lots. They also heard final plat applications for The Winsome and Terra Ridge North developments and a minor subdivision application for a Black Forest property. All four applications were scheduled to be heard at the El Paso Board of County Commissioners’ (BOCC) land use meeting on Aug. 1.
Woodmoor property replat recommended for approval
At the July 6 meeting, the commissioners voted unanimously to recommend for approval a subdivision request which would see a Woodmoor property divided into four lots. The 3.81-acre property at 1384 Buckwood Lane near its intersection with Fawnwood Road is zoned RR-0.5 (residential rural) and was originally platted as four lots in 1963. The current single lot was created in 2010.
The replat would create four lots that conform to the RR-0.5 zoning. The residence on the east and central portion of the property would remain.
Property owner Tim Murphy of Murphy’s Custom Homes Inc. showed the hearing that he has written approval from the Woodmoor Improvement Association’s (WIA) Architectural Control Committee and commitment letters from the utility companies.
The application was pulled from the consent calendar for a full hearing due to neighbor objection. Chair Thomas Bailey stressed to the audience that the replat criteria outlined by staff are the only points that the commission can consider when making its recommendation and asked that public comment be specifically addressed to those criteria.
Four neighbors, representing a larger group, spoke in opposition and raised concerns about increased wildfire risk, the impact on wildlife, geological hazards, traffic and congestion, and soil and drainage issues.
Neighbor Erin Duran said they had presented on several occasions to the WIA and commented, “They (the WIA) were very forthright in saying they were going to approve it because the Board of County Commissioners makes the ultimate decision and that they did not feel that their decision would weigh in at all.”
Sarah Cole stated that the justifications put forward in 2010 for the combining of the lots are still very relevant issues in Woodmoor today. Arguments put forward at that time included that the development caused erosion in steep sloped areas, disturbed natural drainage patterns, and caused congestion on roads that were not suitable for increased traffic. It was also noted that some lots were only marginally buildable due to the slope and floodplains.
Hilary and Bill Brendemuhl also spoke, voicing concerns about the WIA’s procedures and decision-making process. Hilary Brendemuhl said, “Our board has a history, unfortunately, and it’s documented, of making arbitrary and capricious decisions.’
Bailey commented, “A lot of the concerns are something that we don’t have any authority over. A lot of your problems seem to be with your association.”
Commissioner Christopher Whitney said, “Obviously you have a beef with your HOA (Homeowners Association), and whether the HOA behaved correctly is between you and them.”
Vessey Road minor subdivision
The commissioners heard a minor subdivision request to create three single-family lots on a 14-acre Black Forest property west of the intersection of Vessey Road and Black Forest Road and south of the intersection of Vessey Road and Pine Crest Drive. The application was unanimously recommended for approval as a consent item, meaning there was no discussion.
The property was rezoned from RR-5 to RR-2.5 by the BOCC in June. See www.ocn.me/v23n7.htm#epbocc
Terra Ridge North final plat
The commissioners voted unanimously to recommend for approval a final plat application by Phillip Miles for 11 single-family residential lots. The Terra Ridge North application includes a replat of two existing single-family residential lots to provide access to the new lots. The 51.65-acre property is south of the intersection of Black Forest Road and Hodgen Road.
The land was rezoned from RR-5 to RR-2.5 in 2022. Neighbors spoke to voice objections at both the Planning Commission and BOCC hearings at that time. See www.ocn.me/v22n9.htm#epcpc and www.ocn.me/v22n10.htm#epbocc.
The final plat application was heard as a consent item, meaning there was no discussion. It could have been pulled for a full hearing if any member of the public had wished to address the commission about it.
Winsome final plat
The commissioners heard a final plat application for Winsome Filing No. 3 to create 38 single-family residential lots and five tracts on the 349.47-acre property zoned RR-5 at the northwest corner of Hodgen Road and Meridian Road.
The BOCC approved the Winsome preliminary plan in July 2019. The development encompasses 766.66 acres and consists of 143 residential lots, one commercial lot, open space, drainage tracts, and public rights-of-way. The plan was amended in 2021 to increase the lots to 146. These three additional lots are located within Filing No. 3.
Ahead of the vote, Commissioner Christopher Whitney voiced his concern about findings of water sufficiency in general when no one really knows how long water may be available in the Denver Basin, saying “I guess I just want to express for the record that it troubles me that we’re basically saying to people, “Yep, there’s adequate water today but be careful because we can’t tell you what will happen tomorrow” and I don’t know what the solution to that is but it’s worrisome.”
The vote to recommend the application for approval was unanimous.
The El Paso County Planning Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 17. Normally EPCPC meets on the first and third Thursdays at the Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, Colorado Springs. Meetings are live-streamed on the El Paso County News & Information Channel at https://www.elpasoco.com/news-information channel. For more information, see https://planningdevelopment.elpasoco.com.
Marlene Brown can be reached at marlenebrown@ocn.me.
Helen Walklett can be reached at helenwalklett@ocn.me.
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