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Tri-Lakes helping those in need

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Palmer Lake Board of Trustees, Nov. 9 – Proposed 2024 budget proves contentious
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans The November meeting of the Palmer Lake Board of Trustees (PLBOT) opened with recognition of citizen volunteer Jane Garrabrant. The board held a public hearing on its draft budget for 2024. CORE Electric Cooperative proposed the installation of two electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The board considered a resolution to…
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El Paso Board of County Commissioners, Nov. 7, 9, and 14 – Final budget direction increases funding to roads and parks
By Helen Walklett During November, the El Paso Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) gave final direction on the 2024 county budget, received an update on the work of Tri-Lakes Cares and Crossfire Ministries, and approved a minor subdivision in Black Forest. Final focus on 2024 budget At the Nov. 14 meeting, the commissioners gave their…
Monument Town Council, Nov. 6, 2023 – Supplementary budget items and signs ordinance discussed
By Chris Jeub One regular meeting of the Monument Town Council took place in November, and the regularly scheduled second meeting was cancelled for the Thanksgiving holiday. Issues covered in the four-hour meeting included symbolic gestures and police force promotions, local government initiatives and financial insights, budget talks, and the town’s temporary sign ordinance. Israel…
Monument Planning Commission, Nov. 8 – Maverick station approved
By Leslie Hanks The first agenda item at the Nov. 8 meeting of the Monument Planning Commission was 3A and 3B, Maverick Junction, Lot 1, Monument Junction West, Filing 1—Preliminary/Final PUD Plan. The property at 1530 Laughing Lab Way is at the intersection of Highway 105 and Jackson Creek Parkway. The proposed final PUD ordinance…
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Monument Academy School Board, Nov. 9 – Board hears first read of gender transition policy, plans to address East Campus budget issues
By Jackie Burhans The Monument Academy (MA) School Board met on Nov. 9 to hear a first reading of a new gender transition policy, to discuss how to address East Campus budget issues, and to hear committee reports. Gender transition policies The MA board heard a first read from the governance committee on a JRT…
D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee, Nov. 14 – Committee hears reports on staff and family surveys, Key Communicator program
By Harriet Halbig The D38 Parent and Community Advisory Committee (formerly District Accountability Advisory Committee) received reports on recent surveys of staff and families and an explanation of a new initiative to inform community members about district activities and priorities. The meeting was held at the West Campus of Monument Academy (MA) and opened with…
Lewis-Palmer D38 Board of Education, Nov. 13 – Departing board members recognized, Lewis-Palmer High School update, financial update
By Harriet Halbig The Lewis-Palmer D38 Board of Education bid farewell to two of its members, received a report on activities at Lewis-Palmer High School (LPHS), and discussed a financial update at its Nov. 13 meeting. Board recognition Board members Matthew Clawson and Theresa Phillips attended their last meeting on Nov. 13 and were recognized…
Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District – Virtual attendance unavailable
By Janet Sellers On short notice, the Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District (BFFRPD) did not provide a virtual attendance option for the Nov. 15 board meeting. This reporter was unable to attend in person and make a recording. ********** For more information, updates, and Zoom meeting joining instructions, see or contact Administrative Officer…
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Monument Fire District, Nov.15 – 2024 budget approved; homeowners petition for inclusion
By Natalie Barszcz At the Monument Fire District (MFD) meeting on Nov. 15, the board approved the 2024 budget, the mill levy, the wage scale, a fee schedule, the board’s meeting schedule, and the employee handbook. The board heard about a number of homes requesting inclusion into the district and received updates on the new…
Donald Wescott Fire Protection District – Rescheduled meetings occurred after publication
By Natalie Barszcz The Donald Wescott Fire Protection Volunteer Pension Board of Trustees meeting and the regular Board of Directors meeting originally scheduled for Nov. 15 were rescheduled for Nov. 27, which was after the OCN publication deadline. The content of the Nov. 27 meetings will be published in the January edition. See the MFD…
Triview Metropolitan District, Nov. 13 – Commercial property inclusion; cell tower contract approved
By Natalie Barszcz At the Triview Metropolitan District (TMD) meeting on Nov. 13, the board approved an inclusion of commercial property and a cell tower lease agreement, and agreed to approve an amendment to the Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) agreement to convey, treat, and deliver district-owned water. The board received updates from Kiewit representatives on…
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 13 – Budget hearing opened; fee and rate increases proposed
By James Howald At its November meeting, the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board held a public hearing on its proposed 2024 budget. It also scheduled a public hearing on water and sewer tap fees and usage rates, to be held at its Dec. 18 board meeting. The board also heard financial and operational…
Monument Sanitation District, Nov. 15 – Board approves budget, leaves rates unchanged
By Jackie Burhans and James Howald At its November meeting, the Monument Sanitation District (MSD) board held a public hearing on its 2024 budget and voted on two related resolutions. Budget approved; funds appropriated District Manager Mark Parker opened a public hearing in consideration of the 2024 budget and told the board that he had…
Donala Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 16 – District ends 2023 under budget
By James Howald and Jackie Burhans At its November meeting, the Donala Water and Sanitation District (DWSD) board heard a financial report from General Manager Jeff Hodge and operational reports from Water Operator Ronny Wright and Waste Plant Operator Aaron Tolman. 2023 finances in the black Hodge told the board that at the end of…
Continue Reading Donala Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 16 – District ends 2023 under budget
El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority, Nov. 16 – Board expands contract with consultants
By James Howald At its November meeting, the El Paso County Regional Loop Water Authority (EPCRLWA) board added to the range of services to be provided by specialized consulting companies. It also discussed the proposed 2024 budget. Consultants take on larger role The board heard an update from John Kuosman, a water practice leader with…
Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations (NEPCO), Nov. 11 – County Commissioners and staff visit NEPCO
By Marlene Brown The Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations (NEPCO) annual membership meeting was held Nov. 11 for general elections of board members. The purpose of NEPCO is to promote an economic, ecological, and sociological community environment in which a high quality of life can be sustained for member homeowners associations (HOAs)…
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Nov. 15 – Board approves 2024 budget and increased dues, hears residents’ concerns
By Jackie Burhans At its November meeting, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board approved its 2024 budget and increased annual dues. The board also heard concerns from residents about public use of the land at the edge of their properties. President Brian Bush was absent. 2023 budget and dues increase approved Treasurer Connie Brown reported…
November Weather Wrap
By Bill Kappel November was warmer than normal, the complete opposite of last year, but I’m sure most of us weren’t complaining. We did get three periods of unsettled weather that allowed our precipitation to end up right around normal, but most days between those storms were mild. The first week of the month was…
Letters to Our Community – It’s time for Monument to move forward
Monument is the jewel of the Front Range. We are uniquely situated geographically to capture the beauty and serenity around us. To our north are 36,000 acres of designated open space. The national forest is to our east, and the AFA is to our south. We should be grateful to live here with these protections.…
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Letters to Our Community – A question about fatal consequences
Question: If unlawful protesters close a major traffic road to a hospital, and that results in the death of an ambulance transport of a heart attack victim because of that traffic closure, does every single protester get charged with murder or at least manslaughter for their illegal activities causing a death? I say yes. Gordon…
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Letters to Our Community – Thanks, Kiwanis Monument Hill Foundation
On behalf of the Palmer Ridge Outdoor Learning Lab, we would like to say thank you to the Kiwanis Monument Hill Foundation for their generous donations consisting of a $1,000 grant, gray breeze rock for path accessibility, and border stakes for transects to begin research. These donations are important to supporting the innovative learning space…
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Letters to Our Community – Thank you, Tri-Lakes Women’s Club
On behalf of the Palmer Ridge High School (PRHS) Outdoor Learning Lab, we would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Women’s Club for their recent donations, which included a $1,000 grant for composted soil, and Colorado native plants. Their generous contributions allow the PRHS Outdoor Learning Lab to continue building a space for students to learn…
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Between the Covers at Covered Treasures Bookstore – Great gift ideas
By the staff at Covered Treasures “Christmas is doing a little extra something for someone”—Charles M. Schultz Here are some books that would make wonderful winter reading for yourself or someone else! Magic on the Mountainside By Nancy Godbout Jurka (Satiama Publishing) $20 Every holiday season in the town of Palmer Lake, Colo., townspeople and…
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December Library Events – Special program and schedule changes
By Harriet Halbig This December, the Monument Library is offering a special program for teens, adults, and seniors. As an affordable gift or a personal treat, come to the library and make a peppermint mocha-scented candle in your own mug or one provided by the library. The program will be offered from 11 to 12:30…
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High Altitude Nature and Gardening (HANG) – Getting holiday cactuses to bloom
By Janet Sellers Holiday cactuses can live up to 50 years. They originally came from the Brazilian rainforests. I found some surprises about this non-toxic plant that’s safe for dogs and cats. Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, and Easter cactus are common names for this succulent plant. The University of Georgia reports on its botanical extension…
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On the Trail (in memory of Tim Watkins) – Black Forest Trails Association
By Marlene Brown The Black Forest Trails Association (BFTA), a local nonprofit organization, originally became a business entity to create a connection with local residents and the El Paso County Parks staff. BFTA was created in 1995. It worked with the community and board members who had a real interest in the non-motorized multi-use recreational…
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Art Matters – Tiny worlds: miniatures, zines and their secrets in history
By Janet Sellers “Art is for everybody. To think that they—the public—do not appreciate art because they don’t understand it, and to continue to make art that they don’t understand and therefore become alienated from, may mean that the artist is the one who doesn’t understand or appreciate art and is thriving in this “self-proclaimed…
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Snapshots of Our Community – Tri-Lakes helping those in need
Above: John Howe, in his signature Hawaiian shirt, could not help but smile as he rang the bell while smiling crowds approached Safeway for Thanksgiving groceries. Some commented that it was too early for “Merry Christmas,” so John changed to “Happy Thanksgiving” and the response was likewise. As in previous years, the Tri-Lakes community was…
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Our Community Notices
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the information number for that event. Please notify us if your event listing needs to be updated. Tri Lakes Cares Giving…
Our Community Calendar
By Janet Sellers Although we strive for accuracy in these listings, dates or times are often changed after publication. Please double-check the time and place of any event you wish to attend by calling the info number for that event. Please contact with changes and additions. GOVERNMENTAL BODIES Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines…