- Town replaces term-limited board president
- Waterside development gets supplemental water
- Sheepherder gets a thumbs down
- CEBT dividend goes to employees
- Highlights of operational reports
- Executive session
By James Howald
The Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (WWSD) board opened its May meeting with an election of board officers. The board heard a request for supplemental water from Lake Woodmoor Development Inc., (LWD) and briefly considered a request to host a sheepherder on its Woodmoor Ranch property. It decided how to disburse a refund from CEBT and heard operational reports.
The meeting ended with an executive session to develop negotiating positions on potential agreements with Monument Fire District, Lewis-Palmer School District 38, and Enerfin Renewables LLC and to discuss a personnel matter.
Town replaces term-limited board president
Barrie Town was elected to serve as WWSD board president, replacing Brian Bush, who served two terms as president and was term limited. Town has served on the WWSD board previously.
The board elected Tom Martinez to serve as treasurer. Martinez joined the board earlier in 2023.
Bill Clewe was elected to a second term as secretary.
Waterside development gets supplemental water
District Engineer Ariel Hacker presented LWD’s request for supplemental water service to the board. LWD plans to build 52 multifamily units on four acres of land on the east side of Woodmoor Drive adjacent to Lewis-Palmer Middle School. The development is named Waterside. WWSD’s standard water service is ½ acre-foot of water per year for each acre of land. LWD is requesting an additional 14 acre-feet of water per year for Waterside, Hacker said.
District Manager Jessie Shaffer said the district’s long-range plan anticipated that the land in question would be developed at the density LWD is intending, so the request is “not outside what we planned.” Shaffer said LWD’s request would bring the district $595,000 annually in water fees, in addition to 52 one-time tap fees at the multifamily rate of $22,341 per tap. Shaffer said the multi-family tap fee is 25% less than the tap fee for a single-family residence, due to the expectation that there will be less outdoor irrigation.
The board voted unanimously to approve a motion to accept LWD’s request and bring back a supplemental water agreement for a final vote at the June board meeting.
Sheepherder gets a thumbs down
Shaffer told the board that JUWI Solar Inc., a company that leases a portion of WWSD’s Woodmoor Ranch property for a large solar array, had requested that WWSD host a sheepherder on WWSD’s portion of the ranch. The sheep would help JUWI control noxious weeds.
The board had several concerns with this arrangement, including security, insurance liability, and the potential impact of sheep droppings on water quality. Operations Superintendent Dan LaFontaine said giving the sheepherder the access requested would interfere with ranch operations.
The board directed Shaffer to deny the request.
CEBT dividend goes to employees
Shaffer told the board he had recently received a check for $9,600 from CEBT, the company that administers WWSD’s benefits program. Shaffer said CEBT’s rates are based on financial projections, and when actual costs are lower than the projections, CEBT returns the overage to the district. Shaffer said this had happened three times in the last 10 years and asked for the board’s thoughts on how the surplus should be handled. Shaffer suggested returning the funds to employees, arguing that the surplus would have gone to employees in their paychecks if CEBT had calculated their costs more precisely.
The board authorized Shaffer to return the surplus to employees.
Highlights of operational reports
LaFontaine said surface water from Lake Woodmoor would be added to the blend delivered to customers in June.
Wells 12 and 18 are temporarily out of production for maintenance.
Hacker told the board that planning for a new well into the Dawson aquifer was underway with BBA Water Consultants Inc. The well will be adjacent to the Central Water Treatment Plant on Deer Creek Road just northwest of Lewis-Palmer Middle School’s football field.
Hacker noted that some of the apartments in the Monument Junction development were on hold, but the Whataburger and Maverick filling station are still moving ahead.
Executive session
The May meeting ended in an executive session to consider strategies relative to negotiations and for a conference with legal counsel concerning potential agreements with the Monument Fire District, Lewis-Palmer School District 38, and Enerfin Renewables LLC, and for discussion of a personnel matter.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 12 at 1 p.m. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at the district office at 1845 Woodmoor Drive; please see www.woodmoorwater.com or call 719-488-2525 to verify meeting times and locations.
James Howald can be reached at jameshowald@ocn.me.
Other Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District articles
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Feb. 10 – Pipeline maintenance contract awarded (3/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Jan. 13 – Board prepares for election, passes administrative resolution (2/1/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 12 – Audit shows good financial health, Lori Akers retires (1/23/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Dec. 16 – Board wraps up rate increases and 2025 budget, swaps water discount for land (1/4/2025)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Nov. 11 – Board considers rate increase (12/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Oct. 14 – Board considers ways to fund Loop (11/2/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Sept. 16 – Board hears financial and operational report (10/5/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, Aug. 12 – Board considers supplemental water for Waterside subdivision (9/7/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, July 15 – Contract for pipeline construction awarded (8/3/2024)
- Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District, June 10 – Residents question development and water availability (7/6/2024)