- Residents asked to help qualify for possible mitigation grant
- Waterside governing documents approved
- Residents thank board for handling prairie dog infestation
- Board highlights
By Jackie Burhans
At its regular board meeting on Sept. 25, the Woodmoor Improvement Association (WIA) board called for residents to express their interest to qualify for a fire mitigation grant and approved the Waterside development governing documents.
The board also heard from residents about the prairie dog removal and heard director reports. Treasurer Pete Giusti and Forestry Director Cindy Thrush were absent.
Residents asked to help qualify for possible mitigation grant
President Brian Bush asked that residents interested in participating in a 50/50 matching forestry grant email their name, address, and contact information to forestrygrant@woodmoor.org by Oct. 7. WIA is currently applying for a new fire fuel reduction grant for 2025 and must demonstrate community interest to improve its chances of being awarded it. The grant would improve forest health and protect life and property during a devastating wildfire.
Waterside governing documents approved
Bush spoke to representatives of La Plata, who are working on the proposed Waterside development, noting some concerns about their governing documents. The development consists of 7.531 acres between The Barn and The Cove along Woodmoor Drive and Deer Creek Road. It is currently planned for four single-family homes and 40 multi-family, according to an agreement with the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District regarding a supplemental water agreement. See https://wp.ocn.me/v24n9wwsd.
Bush expressed concerns about the declaration’s consistency with Colorado law and was concerned that a management company was required during the first three years of the development’s homeowners association (HOA). He said the board would approve the documents with the condition that La Plata put a restrictive covenant on the property behind The Barn down to the lake. A representative for La Plata said that the restriction was part of the plat and noted that the management company would be in place during the buildout before it is turned over to residents.
Director of Woodmoor Public Safety (WPS) Brad Gleason raised concerns about allowing street parking. He said the roads are 24 feet wide, and with cars permitted on either side, it might impinge on the Fire Department’s requirement for 20-foot unrestricted streets. He strongly recommended that La Plata not allow street parking. A La Plata representative agreed, noting plenty of off-street parking was available.
Residents thank board for handling prairie dog infestation
Two residents returned to the board to cautiously thank the board for beginning prairie dog mitigation in the South Woodmoor Preserve. While the job was not done, they expressed concerns about communication. They said they looked forward to working with the mitigation company on their properties.
Bush noted that the board had spent double what it had initially planned by switching from aluminum phosphide to carbon monoxide. He reminded the residents that the board has a fiduciary responsibility to all Woodmoor residents and that funds are limited.
Board highlights
- Bush reported on behalf of Giusti that there have been both unexpected expenses and income and that WIA is analyzing whether it will end up evening out. HOA Administrator Denise Cagliaro reported there were 79 lots with outstanding dues, 47 of which had liens and 26 of which would have liens filed shortly.
- Director of Covenants Sue Leggiero reported 138 covenant-related items for August, with four violations issued. There were 11 HOA checks and no covenant hearings in August, September, or October. She reminded residents to stow trash cans quickly after pickup, cut down tall grass, and move trailers and RVs after 72 hours or obtain a variance from the office.
- Gleason noted that fire danger is still high, kids are in school, and the sun is coming up later and going down earlier, urging residents to be safe.
- Director of Architectural Control Ed Miller reported that 76 projects were submitted in the office for approval by the administrator or the Architectural Control Committee. There was a year-to-date increase of 8.4%, with an approval rate of 99.8%.
- Covenants and Forestry Administrator Justin Gates reported in lieu of Thrush that there were 11 forestry visits in August. He said it was the perfect time to check for and remove trees infested with mountain pine beetles.
- Director of Common Areas Steve Cutler reported that WIA is soliciting bids for scrub oak mitigation at Lake Woodmoor. He said several dead trees would be removed at the same time. WIA will put up a snow fence to block off dangerous areas on Toboggan Hill, and WPS is authorized to remove anyone seen violating this and other safety features that have been added, he said.
The WIA Board of Directors usually meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in The Barn at 1691 Woodmoor Drive, Monument. The next meeting will be on Oct. 23.
The WIA calendar can be found at www.woodmoor.org/wia-calendar/. WIA board meeting minutes will be posted at www.woodmoor.org/meeting-minutes.
Jackie Burhans can be reached at jackieburhans@ocn.me.
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