By Natalie Barszcz
The Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) Pinon Pines Metropolitan District (PPMD) 2 and 3 boards held a joint special meeting on July 15 at 4 p.m. to conduct public hearings and accept the 2023 audits for FLMD and PPMD’s 2 and 3. On July 22, the PPMD 1 board held a special meeting to hold a public hearing and accept the 2023 audit.
Attending via teleconference were FLMD Manager Ann Nichols, Tom Blunk, CP Real Estate Capital, representing Forest Lakes LLC and Forest Lakes Residential Development, District Attorney Nicole Peykov of Spencer Fane law firm, Sarah Steph, vice president of accounting for Classic Homes, and the following board directors for all three boards: President George Lenz, executive vice president of finance for Classic Homes, Secretary Joe Loidolt, president of Classic Homes, and Steve Schlosser, project manager for Classic Homes.
Treasurer/Secretary Douglas Stimple, chief executive officer of Classic Homes, and Director James Boulton, vice president/project manager of Classic Homes, were excused on July 15.
2023 audit presentation
Lenz opened the public hearing on the 2023 audits for FLMD and PPMD’s 2 and 3. No comments were heard, and the public hearing was closed. Lenz requested Nichols refresh the board with an explanation about the appropriation issue that was approved at the June 14 meeting. See
Nichols said the FLMD budget was amended and approved by the board at the end of 2023; however, the appropriation conveying public infrastructure to other governments at year end for the Falcon Commerce Center phase 2 and FLMD filings 5, 6, and 7 (including the bridge in the west valley) was not made until last month. The district made the entries totaling about $9 million in dedicated public roads to the appropriate entities on time. Although there was no expenditure, the auditors insisted certain journal entries be covered by a board appropriation. Tom Sistere of Hoelting & Company Inc. notified the district that even though there was no actual expenditure of funds, without the amendment the district would likely receive a letter from the state auditor stating the district had exceeded its appropriations. It was worth the effort to make the journal entry corrections and appropriations before submitting the audit to the state, and the auditors agreed, said Nichols.
All three boards unanimously accepted the three audits as presented.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. on July 15.
At the PPMD 1 meeting on July 22, the three-member board accepted the 2023 audit as presented.
Attending via teleconference were Nichols, Peykov, and board directors President Mike Hitchcock, Vice President Mike Slavic and Secretary AJ Slavic.
Hitchcock opened the public hearing and receiving no comments, closed the hearing.
Nichols said the 2023 audit documents had been forwarded to the board for comment before the meeting, and the district had received a “clean opinion” from Hoelting & Sons.
The board unanimously approved the 2023 audit as presented.
The meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
Meetings are usually held quarterly or when necessary on the first Monday of the month at 4 p.m., via teleconference. Meeting notices are posted at least 24 hours in advance at For general questions, contact Nichols at 719-327-5810,
Natalie Barszcz can be reached at
Other Forest Lakes and Pinon Pines Metropolitan District articles
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan Districts 2 and 3, Feb. 17 – Northern Monument Creek Interceptor pipeline project IGA approved (3/1/2025)
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan District 1, 2, and 3, Dec. 2 – Rates increase for 2025; mill levies certified; high cost revealed for pipeline construction (1/4/2025)
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan District 3, Aug. 14 – Debt authorization ballot initiative approved (9/7/2024)
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and Pinon Pines Metropolitan Districts 2 and 3, June 14 – 2023 budgets amended (7/6/2024)
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines 1, 2, and 3, Dec. 4 and 13 – District participates in Northern Delivery System; rates increase for 2024; budgets approved (1/6/2024)
- Forest Lakes Metropolitan District, Pinon Pines 1, 2, and 3, Aug. 7 and 14 – 2022 audits approved; contract services cost increases; water reuse project possible (9/2/2023)