By James Howald and Jackie Burhans
At its August meeting, the Donala Water and Sanitation District (DWSD) board discussed waiving its current policy which allows directors to serve a maximum of two four-year terms. Removing term limits would need approval from the district’s voters. The board heard operational reports. Directors Bill George and Ed Miller were excused from the meeting.
Term limit policy considered
General Manager Jeff Hodge told the board that the current policy limiting directors to two four-year terms could lead to discontinuity where long-term projects, such as the district’s participation in the Loop water re-use effort, were concerned, and made it hard to find candidates to serve on the board. He asked the board to consider putting a waiver to the term limit policy before the voters in February.
Board President Wayne Vanderschuere said previous boards had considered changing the term limit policy, but the policy is difficult for small districts. He said he would be affected by retaining or changing the policy and would recuse himself from any votes.
Director Kevin Deardoff said it was hard to find people to run for seats on the board and he would support removing the limit of two terms.
Director Scott McCullough said he supported term limits in general and would not like to see the same people serving on the board forever. He asked if it was possible to extend the terms beyond four years but retain the limit to two terms. Hodge said the state of Colorado allowed only a limit to two terms or no limit whatsoever.
Vanderschuere said he agreed with McCullough on a philosophical level but thought waiving the term limit made sense for DWSD. The current policy allows a director to serve additional terms after four years off the board. He suggested the required time off the board could be reduced. He asked for the issue to be tabled until September when all the board members would be present.
Hodge said he would discuss potential alternatives with the district’s lawyer.
Operational reports
In his financial report, Hodge said the district’s finances were in better shape than they were at the same time in the previous year. He said $700,000 in water sales were needed over the remaining half of the year to meet the estimated revenue budgeted, and he expected that amount to be met. The district was not using water from its Willow Creek Ranch property and was not paying Colorado Springs Utilities to convey, treat, and deliver that water, which represented a savings of about $900,000. Bond payments were made on schedule, he said.
The board tabled a vote on the financial report until its September meeting, due to the excused absence of two members.
In his manager’s report, Hodge commented on the special legislative session underway at the state capital to discuss reducing property taxes. Potential changes to the property taxes collected by counties would impact DWSD’s finances, Hodge said.
Progress was being made on Well 16A and on the repairs to the district’s water tanks, Hodge said.
Brett Gracely, a project engineer with LRE Water, told the board that he was considering how DWSD could store water in Turquoise Lake or in the Willow Creek Reservoir due to the Pueblo Reservoir nearing its capacity.
The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1:30 p.m. Generally, board meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. and include online access; call (719) 488-3603 or access to receive up-to-date meeting information. The district office is located at 15850 Holbein Drive, Colorado Springs.
James Howald can be reached at Jackie Burhans can be reached at
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- Donala Water and Sanitation District, June 20 – Loop water reuse project discussed (7/6/2024)