By Jackie Burhans
The Monument Academy (MA) board held its July 13 meeting at The Platinum Group offices in Colorado Springs, which is the office of board President Ryan Graham. The board handled several organizational matters, agreed to a contract for before and after care, and heard committee and administrator updates.
The regular meeting was followed by a board retreat that included onboarding of new members, review of the board manual and calendar, continuous improvement and assessment, legal requirements, and strategic planning.
Board member organization
Newly elected board member Matt Ross was sworn in for his three-year term, and all board members took their required annual oath of office and signed affidavits to be forwarded to the county clerk.
Board members then discussed and volunteered for committee assignments as follows:
- Highway 105 – Ryan Graham, president
- Curriculum – Emily Belisle, secretary
- School Accountability and Advisory (West Campus) – Matt Ross, board member
- School Accountability and Advisory (East Campus) – Lindsay Clinton, vice president
- Governance – Joe Buczkowski, treasurer, and Karen Hoida, board member
- Finance – Buczkowski and Craig Carle, board member
- Building and Facilities – Hoida and Graham
- Resource Development – Carle and Clinton
- Human Resources – Clinton and Graham

As part of the discussion, the board agreed to fold the Safety and Security Committee into the Buildings and Facilities Committee and to disband the Volunteer Committee as MA is moving to a new system called ParentSquare.
Before and after care contract signed
Graham noted that the board had approved a revision to a potential contract for before and after care with Leading Edge in November 2022 but that Leading Edge did not agree to the changes. The board considered a new proposal by Monument’s Best that had been vetted by its legal counsel. Tom and Chrystal Lind, founders of Monument’s Best, were present to answer questions. They noted that there is a state-mandated process to vet employees who would be given access to MA that included background checks, courses, and CPR certification.
Operations Manager Jake Dicus met with Monument’s Best when the Leading Edge arrangement didn’t work out. His kids have participated in its program, and he felt it would fulfill a need for MA’s families. Dicus said 15 families must sign up for the before care program to work financially. If MA is closed, Monument’s Best will offer sports camps using MA’s facilities for MA kids and, possibly, other kids from the community. Once approved, Dicus planned to put together a slide show to send out to parents to gain interest and would present it as part of the back-to-school night. Dicus and elementary school Principal Kurt Walker have discussed the facilities to be used at MA’s West Campus.
Monument’s Best has membership software to help parents sign up for its programs. Its contract is for one year with wording for indemnification. It is licensed for up to 60 kids but could amend that if needed.
The board unanimously approved the contract and authorized Graham to execute it.
Board meeting highlights include:
- Graham reported that work was in progress on the recirculation road around MA West necessitated by the Highway 105 expansion. Some re-engineering was required due to water runoff from heavy rains. He said carline information would be sent out before school starts.
- A parent spoke during the public comment agenda item, expressing concern about showing non-educational movies to kids for indoor recess in general and objecting to the movie Elemental by Disney specifically. She also asked if MA would be required to financially participate in the Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) program each year, noting it has cost $45,000.
- Interim Chief Executive Officer Kim McClelland provided financial highlights in lieu of financial consultant Officer Glen Gustafson, saying he is in a good place with the audit and is closing out the school year. She had no details to share from the district on the free lunch service but noted that only the elementary school would be participating. She also noted that the CKH expense was for the initial staff training to use the discipline model in the handbook. Principals could sign up for a premium offer with resources, mentoring, and implementation guides for $4,000 annually.
- The board discussed and approved an updated student handbook for its West Campus, making minor updates to carline, board eligibility, and logo use.
- The board unanimously approved the new graduation requirements presented by high school Principal David Kennington, who noted that requirements include a capstone project. He said that parents and students want to have a traditional valedictorian honor for the highest grade point average (GPA), which may have to be determined at the thousandth level. Additional honors for high GPAs would be conferred. Graduation is expected to be on Saturday, May 18, possibly at MA, wearing a black gown with a stole. He said families wanted guidelines for senior photos, suggesting a modest dress code with no pajamas or furry costumes be submitted with a message that aligns with MA.
- The board approved an update to the 1501ES Elementary School Uniform Policy, adding a daily wear sweatshirt with MA’s logo.
- The board unanimously approved the preschool calendar, policies and procedures, and revised tuition contract.
- The board discussed the draft of new curriculum policies to include supplemental curriculum selection and tabled any action to the August board meeting.
The MA School Board meets at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. The next regular board meeting will be on Thursday, Aug. 10, at 6 p.m. at the East Campus. See more information at see
Jackie Burhans can be reached at
Other Monument Academy articles
- Monument Academy School Board, Feb. 13 – Board expresses interest in Grace Best building (3/1/2025)
- MA School Board, May 11, 25 – MA addresses gender issues, budgets (2/23/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Jan. 6 and 9 – Board hears bond refinancing, action plan (2/1/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, June 8 – Board reorganizes, hears legislative (1/23/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Dec. 17 – Board hears academic dashboard report (1/4/2025)
- Monument Academy School Board, Nov. 18 and 21 – Board responds to organization audit (12/5/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, Oct. 17 and 24 – Board hears financial audit, improvement plan, internal review (11/2/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, Sept. 12 – Board discusses parental review of library materials, adopts management system (10/5/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, Aug. 8, 16, and 29 – Board sets non-legal name change policy (9/7/2024)
- Monument Academy School Board, July 11 – Board resolution related to Title IX (8/3/2024)