By Steve Pate
We mentioned in the June issue of OCN that Mount Herman Road (MHR) had been closed by the U.S. Forest Service. Someone opened the gate and drove up toward the FS 716 trailhead and into a washed-out section of the road. The car has been removed and the Forest Service was scheduled to begin repairing the road June 21.

Photo by Steve Pate
During a walk up MHR toward FS 716 on June 20, I was able to talk to the superintendent of the wildfire mitigation crew just starting work to reduce the fire risk on the west and north side of MHR. They will be reducing the fuel load by taking out Gambel oak and other “ladder” vegetation.

I had heard that a rockslide closed the road and came upon it about 2¼ miles up MHR from the closed gate. The storm-caused washout is about 2¾ miles from the gate, just below FS 716 trailhead.

Photo by Steve Pate
A natural gas line was also damaged during recent storms, and I talked with a gas company employee en route to work on repairs. The crew was unable to access the damaged lines due to the rockslide, which occurred in mid-June.
Several mountain bikers and hikers were using MHR on June 20. Sections of MHR may close temporarily while wildfire mitigation is underway and when road repairs begin.
Steve Pate may be contacted at
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